Energy integration only used kWh, not kW?

Thanks @Troon. Looks so easy when you say it like that :laughing:

I wouldn’t know how to code this.

But I’ve seen Ruurd Sanders [ruurdsanders] share a code similar to what you are talking about, in the topic " How to SUM 3 Shelly phases of Consumption and load in Energy Dashboard?"
However, his code was about energy (when I need power).
I’ve contacted Ruurd, if he doesn’t reply to me, I’ll try replacing parts of his code with whatever makes sense for power/load.

You don’t need to code anything, it’s all via the UI like I said.

Go to Settings
Devices & Services
Helpers tab
Sensor Group

Give it a name like Total Power
Select your three sensors as members
Set the Type to Sum

Hit Submit

Then go and enjoy your new sensor and stop putting your own capabilites down so much. It’ll automatically be a power sensor as your the inputs are.

Hi Troon,
Wow, that was so easy!
I still have so much to discover in HA, thanks again for taking me step by step :+1:t2: