Energy MANAGEMENT by home assistant?

I use HA for some years now, and mostly do it to MONITOR my house. Temperature sensor, power sensors, lights, power outlets …

Now I got a solar system installed, and a plugin hybrid car with a wall box to charge it, as well a little battery to buffer energy coming from the sun.

These independant components need to be put together to make it really intelligent and useful. I could now make a simple automation that looks at one of the Shelly 3EM how much power goes back to the grid, and adjust the power output of the wall box accordingly. Minimum is 6A, and scales by 0.1A up to 16A.

But that’s only half the plan. There is A/C and pool pump as well as heating for the pool, charging of the battety & feeding it back to the house as needed, and and and …

This leads to a very complex setup which is over my abbilities :wink:

Is there a plan to integrate this into HA (blueprints, or some completely different approach) ?