Energy Management in Home Assistant

How to get this working for the template.sensor?

I’ve added the following to my configuration.yaml but it is not showing up:

  - sensor:
      - name: solar_panels_total
        state: "{{ states('sensor.growatt_total_lifetime_energy_output') | float | round(0) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
        state_class: measurement
        device_class: energy 

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I use DSMR reader and after i intergrate the energy panel i cant use it, because the entity not start with energy_

Is there a way to use DSMR reader entities ?

I’m also trying to get DSM-reader and other template sensor to work, but adding device_class and state_class doesn’t work.

Will the Tesla Powerwall integration be updated? I’d like to use it as my monitor for house usage.


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Just sign up for the newsletter. The confirmation email for the newsletter contains the API key.

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Same here.
How need template sensors to be modified so that they can be used?

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Template sensors do not support this feature as of yet.


Guys, is there an energy meter that I can install by myself, without an electrician? I mean, ultimately I can get a guy to do it, but I’d prefer something plug and play. It’s an European block of flats. Thanks!

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When trying to add a pwoermeter, solar panels I receive the following error:
“extra keys not allowed @ data[‘currency’]. Got ‘€’”.

Is there any way to reset this, running 2021.8.

This is great, my feedback is the parameters should be clearer what unit of measure and feed they require. I was confused and wanting to understand if it is real time actual consumption to/from the grid OR totals of what the inverter and power meter have recorded over their lifetime.

Also, with the monitoring devices is it lifetime or today’s consumption? The sun is down now, so going to sleep and will check results in the morning.

NB: I have made the assumption that it is totals of everything and HA does some magic to calculate daily usage. If anybody can see anything wrong with what I have chosen please let me know!!

Great work!!


I tried that too, but I don’t get a key or something. Only a mail with a Button called “Yes, subscribe me to this list.”. Is it somewhere in the URL?

Sorry, I was not precise. Sign up for the newsletter and confirm your email address. The second email contains the API key.

I confirmed already. Maybe it takes some time

After changing my MQTT sensors with The Integration - Riemann sum integral they now appear in the drop down list and I can select them. :grinning:


You probably ran a dev version? You should remove the currency field from the energy file in the storage folder.

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I have two MQTT Sensors for energy consumption defined. One for the currently consumed energy and one with the total value of my energy meter, which will increase till the meter is replaced. How can I make these work?

Here is my config for both of them:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Energy House current"
  device_class: power
  unit_of_measurement: 'W'
  state_topic: "Haus/Energie/Haushalt/power"
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Energy house total"
  device_class: energy
  unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
  state_topic: "Haus/Energie/Haushalt/total_consumption"

Same here. It’s not clear what parameters to select?
Total consumption overal? Total daily, Total monthly? Peak, off-peak, peak + off-peak?
Unfortunately it only shows my Hass “utility meter” sensors and not the template sensors derived from MQTT.

While I love this feature and am generally very positive of the documentation provided by Hass, this new feature is lacking quite some documentation.

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Sensor providing total works the best, however, sensors that reset can be used too, if they provide the right information.

If the sensors show up in the lists, they report themselves as capable of doing that and should be usable.

So the answer: If you are able to add them, they should work as expected, no matter how they work.


That’s nice, now I have to wait for more integrations can be used with this. I receive my grid consumption from influxDB sensor. Wich is not compatible… I don’ want to go back to mqtt :frowning:

After setting up, is there a way to walk through the setup again ? It isn’t calculating the way it should so I would like to keep trying sensors until it makes sense.
Unfortunately several of my Powerwall sensors are not available in the dashboard yet.