Energy Management in Home Assistant

Perhaps it’s the same but I use sensor.energy_real_produced_fronius_meter_...

Thanks, yes, several of the Fronius sensors give very similar, but subtly-different, values. ‘real_ac_minus’ gave me the closest to what the Fronius’ own app was giving in initial testing, so I’m going with that for now. (I’ll continue tracking against what the values are in my actual electricity bills over the longer term and pick which ever gives the best long-term match).

I have a sensor sensor.energy_reactive_ac_produced_fronius_meter_0_http_solar which is reporting a massive value that appears to be complete nonsense. It’s value is 48MWh, even though I have only generated 14MWh total.

For everyone that gets 0 kWh at the sources page sensors (while the sensor itself does have the correct value in Dev Tools states) and thinks they have the right sensors (with attributes) selected:

Check if you didn’t excluded this sensors from your recorder! (turned out to be my problem :slight_smile: )


I have the same issue
Does anyone know how to fix this?

The green leaf is probably more aimed at people who don’t care/know where their electricity is coming from, and are now getting a bit of a reality check. If you - like me - have opted for carbon neutral energy, then the green leaf is just decoration. :wink:

again still no graph…
Anyone know what can cause this problem?

i also deleted the file at .storage/energy and configured again… nothing shows up.
an other user using the same integration he has no problems at all…


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Does the platform: integration automatically convert W to kWh? Because I have a lot of measurement devices (smart sockets, but also all my light modules measure power) so I could use this to integrate everything in the energy dashboard.

Yes, of course, you are right. But I want to be rewarded for my behaviour :slight_smile:


Hi, can the two data points below (in yellow) be published as a separate entity for tracking?

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How did you integrate your Fronius inverter? I only get “no matching statistics found”. My fronius sensors work perfectly but they don’t show up in the new energy configuration

I have a rainforest zigbee gateway. Sometimes it reports 0 maybe twice a day on bad reads. I need to filter out 0 numbers from the total delivered kwh. I currently use this

  - platform: filter
    name: "Eagle200_Delivered_filtered"
    entity_id: sensor.eagle_200_total_meter_energy_delivered
      - filter: range
        lower_bound: 1

It does not show up as an available sensor. I dont seem to be able to add device class attributes as the yaml fails. the filtered sensor already inherits kwh. any clues please

I’m trying to use tis for my price “Use an entity with current price”. Is there any way this is done easier with node red than using the built in HA automation?

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Hi. I really don’t understand why all values are zero…
I tried to use both shelly em energy sensors, and the have both device class and last_reset attribute, and utility meter applied to shelly sensor.
I still have 0 on energy dashboard, this for every sensor.
Any tip?



I just deleted the database and check if that was the problem.
I have all my devices in kWh
fingers crossed.

I have the same in my production environment. In a test environment all was fine. Then I saw that in my production environment I filtered out the DSMR entities in recorder as they were flooding the database and I only used some metered entities setup specifically for this. I have reenabled the recording.
Not sure if this is what is causing it as i’d need to wait for the energy management module to perform the calculations. Not sure how much time is needed before this happens?

Alex, the way I see this new Energy process working is as follows:

At about 15 mins past the hour, it looks at the value of your sensor.generale_energy and compares it with the last time it looked (1 hour ago).
If this is the first time, it can’t calculate how much was used in the last hour so result is zero.
The next hour it checks the value of the sensor.generale_energy and subtracts the previous hour value to get how many kWh you used for this latest hour.

This is why when you first do the setup it could take up to two hours to begin calculations and recording hourly data.

How often is the value of your sensor.generale_energy updating? It must be constantly being added to, or remain the same for the hour if your not using any power.

Hi. It’s constantly updated, and it’s like this since 3 days, so I really don’t know why it isn’t working… image

Thats power (watts) sensor not energy (kWh)

@malosaa @xalex75 : If you have disabled recording these sensors this is not allowing Home Assistant to create statistics needed for energy management. See here So if this matches your case it is by design. Would have been grate if HA detects these entities not being recorded and show an alert, but that is likely to happen in a future release.