Energy Management in Home Assistant

Maybe a stupid question but I created my own energy meter that is capable of measuring the grid in and out power. So if I send power to the grid I send this as a negative consumption. I could split this value up and send it when positive as Grid consumption and when negative as Grid delivery but this looks like trying to solve something that looks obvious. Is there an option to use this measurement and let the energy plugin use it directly ? Or is there an easy way to split this value in homeassistant ?

From which energy file, can’t find any energy related files and or files where config of energy mgmt is stored.

I do not have a direct measurement of how much energy is from the grid and how much is returning. Is it possible to enter data for the following situation when is two measurements:

  • energy meter from PV inverter
  • energy meter that measures only the energy consumption of the house?

There is no live power flow chart, this it would be a very good thing

Maybe a stupid question, I can not find how to change the entered settings Forecast Production. I can only add new settings (PV) or disable previous ones

Hi all,

Just one thing, I hace HA installation via Docker, could I “reset” the Energy Measurement dashboard?, i configured some “bad” entities and data is quite corrupted.


Check configuration > integrations. You will find your previously configured forecast there. Click configure and you will be able to edit the details.

It is

I got a reply from Forecast.Solar about this and apparently it’s the same situation in Germany , so they are going to see what they can do to implement settings to account for it. :+1:


You can get daily and total lifetime energy figures, updated every minute using Fronius the custom component by Safepay

That doesn’t seem to do anything the standard integration doesn’t. The total energy figures are coming from the inverter. It just doesn’t have daily energy figures for grid import/export, you have to derive those using the utility_meter.

Good to know that total energy imported/exported IS available from the inverter though, this means I could do away with my integration sensors that calculate these from the power and probably therefore improve my accuracy.

The only way you can determine import / export is to monitor all your loads and/or main supply. Even monitoring all loads but not the main supply can be erroneous as the actual export may be limited by grid voltage rise.

I don’t understand - the Fronius data will reflect this.

I just put the total energy measurements in to the dashboard instead, it seems to be able to work out the daily figures without using the utility_meter anyway.

For grid consumption use sensor.energy_real_consumed_fronius_meter_0_http_solar
For grid return use sensor.energy_real_produced_fronius_meter_0_http_solar
For solar generation use sensor.energy_total_fronius_inverter_1_http_solar

Ok, so it looks like you have the Fronius smart meter. What I was getting at is that the inverter cannot give you grid values.

Ah right. Agreed.

Hi, looking at the electricityMap and our coal loving government around here (NSW Australia) we will never show up as green energy on that map. But individually people can opt to consume green energy. Is there a way to force the nice green leaf to show up in the dashboard?

Why my day start with production from solar = -24,14 (this is production from previous day), when on 00:00 the value of sensor was 0 ?

Yes, I have this working fine with Fronius inverter (for solar generation) + Smart Meter (for grid consumption and feed in).
From the Energy Configuration page I set the required inputs to the following sensors:

[Electricity grid] (requires Smart Meter):
Grid consumption: sensor.energy_real_consumed_fronius_meter_...
Return to grid: sensor.energy_real_ac_minus_fronius_meter_...

[Solar panels] (from inverter)
Solar production: sensor.energy_total_fronius_inverter_...

These sensors all provide cumulative totals of energy flows (as required, which the new UI cards process to generate their required output values).

I’m using the ‘standard’ Fronius platform sensor.

It’s a very welcome addition for tracking energy use:


Hi, Same as most here, cant get an entity to show up in the drop down of consumed / returned energy

been reading the whole tread but no luck so far.

Is there any way to make this work with an Shelly EM ? and if so someone that could help out?

Is this a thing? I use the template_sensor directly on the esp: Template Sensor — ESPHome

I don’t like to fiddle around on two ends for the same device so I typically set everything up on the esphome side to work automagically with ha. :thinking:

Looks like esphome needs to add support to have the template sensor available for energy measurements in ha then :eyes:

I have the same issues, both for solar, power usage and power return…

The timezone in my homeassistant is configured properly. No idea what is causing this strange behaviour…