Energy Management in Home Assistant

Set as source of solar production total production of device (lifetime energy), not daily production and You will stop getting negative value

I am having trouble getting energy costs to show up. I am using a zwave energy meter with the following configuration:

The energy consumption shows up correctly but no cost.

Any ideas?

The price seems to start accumulating when you add it, but doesn’t apply to past data. If you wait a while I think you will see it.

I would like to be able to feed in power sensors as well as energy as that would help with making it real time, but anyone who is getting data from their energy distributor’s meter probably won’t have that.

Before the new energy dashboard there was the power-wheel-card which displays a similar graphic. You can configure it for power or energy or both depending on what sensors you have.

I am seeing good output on developer tools but on the consumption page I get no export showing.

On Consumption page I get

Not sure what I am getting wrong, I used all of your first post details just with updated serial for my envoy.


Here is my export Power sensor in W

Here is my export Energy Sensor which has takes the data from sensor.grid_export_power and then converts into Energy as kWh

It would appear that you have not correctly setup the integration sensor. This is what you have to do. This needs to be created outside of the template area of configuration.yaml

  - platform: integration
    name: Grid Export Energy
    source: sensor.grid_export_power
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h

I have waited 3 days now and nothing.

this is my full code in configuration.yaml, maybe I have bad formatting?


  - sensor:
      name: Grid Export Energy
      state_class: measurement
      icon: mdi:solar-panel
      unit_of_measurement: W
      device_class: power
      state: >
        {{ [0, states('sensor.envoy_serialnumber_current_power_production') | int - states('sensor.envoy_serialnumber_current_power_consumption') | int ] | max }}

  - sensor:
      name: Grid Import Energy
      state_class: measurement
      icon: mdi:transmission-tower
      unit_of_measurement: W
      device_class: power
      state: >
        {{ [0, states('sensor.envoy_serialnumber_current_power_consumption') | int - states('sensor.envoy_serialnumber_current_power_production') | int ] | max }}

  - platform: integration
    name: Grid Export Energy
    source: sensor.grid_export_power
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h

  - platform: integration
    name: Grid Import Energy
    source: sensor.grid_import_power
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h

I can see the cost is actually recording but not represented in the energy table

Aha, you need to find/replace serialnumber in all 4 strings that contain sensor.envoy_SERIALNUMBER_current_power_production
with your envoy serial number.

Maybe just list your sensors and do a search for _production

Ive blocked out my serial number in red

Should be


  - sensor:
      - name: Grid Export Energy
        state_class: measurement


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Sorry I just did a find replace on that before posting. The serial numbers are correct in my real code in yaml

I am aware that around 2 weeks ago, the naming changed

i had to remove my enphase integration and re-add it for the names to update.

Please see this for more detail

Ive just noticed a small bug in my energy dashboard.

My Energy Dependency card says
“Netto consumed from the grid”


Hi Frenck:
This is really a cool feature.
We really want to upgrade our integration to adapt to the more and more functions provided by ha.

Whether there is any method that can push our PR forward?


Still the same for me

the same on another gauge shows 5.616kWh export

A summary View of the data of the same data on a entity group card on my main dashboard

Summary Power Data

yep, that all looks good.
Now you have to wait 2 hours for the data to populate as per this message

After setting up a new device, it can take up to 2 hours for new data to arrive in your energy dashboard.

The reason why you can see solar lifetime production is because that has been recording for a lot longer than your newly created sensors.

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last_reset is not there