I started a project based on this super tutorial from klaasnicolaas to create an energy meter.
I connected it to the zigbee and bluetooth gateway.
old unnecessary box from the Edimax router (I fired it when I connected a 12V adapter instead of 5V :D)
Box of multi SD card reader
Photodiode (with the right connection - I was lucky to have badly connected)
2x LED green and yellow
I will not be too detailed
- Battery shield I soldered two more cables for LED output (yellow LED - power supply, green LED: 100% rechargeable battery), connected CC2530 to 3.3 V power supply and ESP32 to 5 V (I connected ESP32 directly to the mains outside the battery - I was able to discard erroneous data in the event of a fault, because the meter lights up in the event of a fault).
- I connected ESP32 according to the instructions from klaasnicolaas
- CC2530 Zigbee router with antenna and connected GND and 3.3 V
- I put the photodiode in the box from the SD readers. He drilled the necessary holes for the LEd photodiode and sensitivity setting.
I still plan to print descriptions on the printer to make it look better.
I’m already making a plan for the future gas meter and water meter.
Water meter with solar charging and outdoor lighting in one.
Other projects:
Gas meter