Energy Meter Counter script from Domoticz to HA?

In Domoticz I had this script working perfect with a pulsecounter from foogadgets attached to my house’s electricity meter! Is it possible to use this kind of scripts in HA? or convert it to a format that can run in HA?
I’m very new to HA.

Regards Richard

The script is here:


–Domoticz Script to get medium actual energy between energy counter readings and puts it on a dummy device

–First create a dummy energy meter.
–Then enter the details below

–Name of the real energy counter
energyCounter = ‘Elförbrukning’
–Name of the created dummy energy meter with the new actual value
dummyEnergyMeter = ‘Elförbrukning2’
–ID of the created dummy energy meter with the new actual value
dummyEnergyMeterid = 126

commandArray = {}
if devicechanged[energyCounter] then
–calculate new actual value
s = otherdevices_lastupdate[dummyEnergyMeter]
lastDummyCounter = string.match(otherdevices_svalues[dummyEnergyMeter], “;(.+)”)
lastDummyCounterAsNumber = tonumber(lastDummyCounter)
lastCounterAsNumber = tonumber(otherdevices_svalues[energyCounter])
actual = 0
if s == nil then
print(‘First time script is ever triggered. Update only counter. Actual value will be updated next time.’)
elseif lastDummyCounter == nil or lastDummyCounter == ‘’ or lastDummyCounterAsNumber == nil then
print('Error reading last value from dummy ’ … dummyEnergyMeter …
'. Got value ’ … lastDummyCounter … ’ from ’ … otherdevices_svalues[dummyEnergyMeter] …
‘. Actual value will be excluded this reading.’)
elseif lastCounterAsNumber == nil then
print('Error reading value from energy counter ’ … energyCounter …
‘. The type of the device is probebly not a counter or the device is missing.’)
elseif lastCounterAsNumber - lastDummyCounterAsNumber <= 0 then
print('Last reading is the same or less than this reading. ’ …
'Make sure the counter is being updated and make sure no other scripts are triggered on device: ’ …
energyCounter … ‘. Or just be happy that you energy consumption is zero.’)
t = os.time{year=string.sub(s, 1, 4), month=string.sub(s, 6, 7), day=string.sub(s, 9, 10), hour=string.sub(s, 12, 13), min=string.sub(s, 15, 16), sec=string.sub(s, 18, 19)}
timeDiff = os.difftime(os.time(), t)
if timeDiff <=0 then
print(‘Error. Dummy device was just updated.’)
actual = (lastCounterAsNumber - lastDummyCounterAsNumber)/(timeDiff/3600)

--update dummy energy meter
commandArray[1] = {['UpdateDevice'] = dummyEnergyMeterid .. "|0|" .. actual .. ";" .. otherdevices_svalues[energyCounter]}

print(dummyEnergyMeter .. ": " .. actual .. " W, " .. otherdevices_svalues[energyCounter] .. " Wh")


return commandArray

If you search the forum for foogadgets you will find this post that might be of help:

If the sensor is working at 433MHz you might also have a look at the rfxtrx platform: