cheers, thanks for this… might take a punt and give me your pool, he says knowing it wouldn’t be a good idea in the north east of england
I use it little, as a saying goes in my country … God gives bread to those who don’t have teeth
Just to confirm this can be used to simply show the power consumption and not used to actually turn on/off a circuit right?
Is it easy to flash the tasmota fw?
With the original firmware u can see the power consumption only in the smart life/tuya app,switch too, u can use the switch in home assistant with tuya integration but not power consumption, if you flash tasmota u can use switch and have power consumption in home assistant, I flashed it one year ago with tuya-convert so easy
Sorry for my english
Is there a guide, do you need any special cables to flash the fw? Might go for this if it doesn’t require a clamp like the other energy monitors which might not fit in my electric panel.
if you are lucky with tuya-convert you do not need anything, but if not you will need open it and a ftdi usb
Thanks for that.
One thing I am still not clear on, can the zmai-90 show the whole house energy consumption or is this just a smart circuit breaker that for example I need to connect something like upstairs lights, upsstairs sockets, etc? So one of these can only show the energy usage for one circuit?
Also check with your energy company. They might have a supported device. Mine uses zigbee so I got a reader and added it to their network.
I think it can do all of these, depending on which circuit you put it or them on… I will get 2 to test, 1 for kitchen circuit and 1 for the studio (need to know the cost anyway for business reasons…)
I get the fact it can connect to the different circuits and switch them on/off but can it be hooked up the same way to the main fuse that I assume all the power is going through? In that case it should show whole house energy consumption I guess.
Would I need to replace my main fuse with this or can this run in parallel with it?
I presume this as that is what I am intending on doing linking it to my breaker switches… as Idon’t think this would replace them
Hi i wanted to confirm something, i have a Shelly Energy meter.
I added to homeassistant using the Shelly intergration on HACS.
Everything works fine. i then wanted to add a ultility_meter
. But Utility meter measures in termos of kWh, while the Shelly energy meter reports in W. So i need to use the integration sensor right?
So something like this:
#sensor to move from W to KWH
- platform: integration
name: energy_spent
source: sensor.shelly_em_1_current_consumption
unit_prefix: k
round: 2
source: sensor.energy_spent
cycle: daily
source: sensor.energy_spent
cycle: monthly
My problem here is that if i compare the information from energy_daily
on homeassistant to want i see reported on Shelly app is kinda of different for one day.
For example the day is just ending here in Portugal and in Homeassistant it reports 12.549 kWh, while in Shelly app for today i see 11.91 kWh .
The difference is not a lot but significant. Am i missing something? is there another way to do this?
more interesting project about iammeter:
Hello everyone.
This could it work with minimal modifications with HA? Does the firmware still need to be rewritten?
I’m using Shelly EM and it is great. generally for such a device you should get a clamp with current rating as close as possible to your general breaker current rating to get more accurate readings. If your main breaker is 60, go for 120A. If your main is not 60 but just have a 60A breaker in your box (which doesn’t make much sense to me) go for 50A transformer.
It works perfectly with HA but not as an integration. It communicates the reading via MQTT and you can create sensors in HA to intercept those values.
# DOCS [ ]
- platform: mqtt # Voltage
name: "EM Voltage"
state_topic: "shellies/EM/emeter/0/voltage"
unit_of_measurement: "V"
- platform: mqtt # Power
name: "EM Active Power"
state_topic: "shellies/EM/emeter/0/power"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
- platform: mqtt # REACTIVE
name: "EM Reactive Power"
state_topic: "shellies/EM/emeter/0/reactive_power"
unit_of_measurement: "VAR"
- platform: mqtt # total energy in Wh (accumulated in device's non-volatile memory)
state_topic: "shellies/EM/emeter/0/total"
unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
- platform: mqtt # energy counter in Watt-minute
name: "EM ENERGY"
state_topic: "shellies/EM/emeter/0/energy"
unit_of_measurement: "Wm"
- platform: template
friendly_name: EM TOTAL kWh
unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
value_template: >-
{{ (states("sensor.em_total_consumption") | float / 1000) | round(3) }}
friendly_name: "COST"
unit_of_measurement: 'RON'
value_template: >-
{{states("sensor.monthly_energy_consumption") | multiply(0.8) | round(2)}}
em_amps: # CH 0
friendly_name: EM Amps
unit_of_measurement: 'A'
value_template: >-
{{ ((states("sensor.em_active_power") | float) / (states("sensor.em_voltage") | float)) | round(2) }}
em_ap: # CH 0
friendly_name: EM Apparent Power
unit_of_measurement: 'VA'
value_template: >-
{{ sqrt(((states("sensor.em_active_power") | float) **2) + ((states("sensor.em_reactive_power") | float) **2)) |round(2)}}
em_pf: # CH 0
friendly_name: EM Power Factor
value_template: >-
{% if (states("sensor.em_ap") | float) > 0 %}
{{((states("sensor.em_active_power") | float) / (states("sensor.em_ap") | float)) | round(2)}}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Good day,
Please help energy meter.
I use as a meter SDM 630 OK!
I need to split into two tariffs
Peak or offpeak
I use, I have a problem recording data. I want the same course as:
when I use:
so I don’t want this
sorry i don’t know the language i use a translator.
How do I get the same record as in the first picture?
something like: meter period hourly NO, quarter-hourly NO
meter peroid online YES .-)
alias: spotreba_denni
description: posledni možnost
- platform: time
at: '01:00:00'
- platform: time
at: '06:00:00'
condition: []
- service: utility_meter.next_tariff
mode: single