Energy meter mounted in fuse box

Hello, everyone,

it happened that I am planning to install some solar panels on my house’s roof.
I need a simple and clean way (without any CT clamps) to measure my house’s electricity usage and instantaneous power.
I was thinking about the module which could be mounted on the DIN rail in my fuse box.
Are there any plug-and-play solutions in the market?

yes, afaik there are some… but I don’t know how good and reliable they are…

There are modbus based ones (which I would prefer)

  • SDM630 (three phase)
  • SDM120 (one phase)
  • SMART METER TS 65A (Fronius) which is a two way meter (import & export)

And, I’ve just learned that there are also some devices that connects via Tuya (I don’t know, if they are using Wifi / ESPchips, or whatever)…

I heard that you should avoid Toya at all costs :grin:

The other ones are nice, but I would prefer a straightforward solution with Wi-Fi. Maybe if there are no other products I will consider using one with Modbus.

EDIT: by the way, maybe there is any wi-fi <-> Modbus bridges that allows easy integration with home assistant?

I would not prefer the tuya devices (this is why I made the recommendation above) - but wanted to list them as an option (personal preferences doesn’t count :smiley: )

I haven’t seen others based on Wifi - and personally, I would not rely on any similar technology for such devices…

Wifi-Modbus Bridge:
You can try to check the following:

This is a modbus proxy that can be installed on a Raspberry pi… so you could install this within your fuse Box - connect the meter to it… and then connect HA over wifi to the proxy / raspberry

ESPHome would support ModbusRTU directly.