Energy meter not accepting consumer

I have this energy consumer monitor:

- platform: pulse_meter
    #pin: GPIO32
      number: GPIO32
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    name: 'hp_power_consuption'
    unit_of_measurement: 'kW'
    icon: 'mdi:transmission-tower'
    internal_filter: "350000us"
    state_class: "measurement"
      - multiply: 0.06
      #- sliding_window_moving_average:
      #    window_size: 5
      #    send_every: 30
      name: "hp_electricity_total"
      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      state_class: "total_increasing"
      accuracy_decimals: 2
        - multiply: 0.001
        - sliding_window_moving_average:
            #window_size: 5
            send_every: 30e

But when i shoul add this to the energy the device dont showsup in the dropdown list …
Any idea how to get this working ?

Ihave found the problems. I have to add :

type or paste code here

device_class: energy

then is shows up :slight_smile: