Energy miss calculation problem

Hello, having a problem with a template sensor.

So, i have a SDM120 that gives me the whole house energy measurement, and have a guest house connected to the same grid, the SDM120 gives me the energy of the house and guest house, so i did this template sensor to calculate the energy that the house is using:

  - sensor:
      - name: casa_energy_total_2
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        state: >
          {{ ( states('sensor.powcasath_energy_total') | float | round(1)) - ( states('sensor.powapart_energy_total_2') | float | round(1))}}
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing
        unique_id: 24467489bb7d4777949907a6072967b5
          last_reset: '2021-08-30T18:07:24+00:00'

For most of the part it works well, but from time to time it will miss calculate and i dont know why and give me wrong numbers


The SDM120 looks like this:

And the guest house like this:

The sensors are working well, so probably its something i made wrong with the template sensor.

And on the energy tab everything gets screwed up because of this miss calculation


If either of the sensors in your template are unavailable the |float filter will convert the string ‘unavailable’ to 0.

You need to add an availability option.

Also if you are on version 2021.9 the last_reset option has been depreciated and should be removed.

  - sensor:
      - name: casa_energy_total_2
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        state: >
          {{ ( states('sensor.powcasath_energy_total') | float | round(1)) - ( states('sensor.powapart_energy_total_2') | float | round(1))}}
        device_class: energy
        state_class: total_increasing
        unique_id: 24467489bb7d4777949907a6072967b5
        availability: >
          {{ states('sensor.powcasath_energy_total') != 'unavailable' and states('sensor.powapart_energy_total_2') != 'unavailable' }}
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Thanks for the reply, will try it later :slight_smile:

It worked for the most part, unfortunately sometimes when I update HA, or restart it, error on the results. Very rare, but happens.

Can anyone help me with a calculation.
I use the below template to calculate what my house is consuming, since the apartment uses power from the house, (i could setup another sensor just for the house, but i dont have anymore space on the electric board), i have HA calculate what the house is using by subtracting the apartment power from the house sensor and i get what power im using, works great most of the time, but i have solar panels, and when the house sensor is giving negative values, it gives me wrong values.

Is there a way to make it that when the template sensor result is negative value, the result would be a zero?

  - sensor:
      - name: casa_power_2
        state: >
          {{ ( states('sensor.house_energy_power') | float | round(0)) - ( states('sensor.apartment_energy_power_2') | float | round(0))}}
        unit_of_measurement: 'W'
        device_class: power
        unique_id: 24467489bb7d4777949907a6072967z6
        availability: >
          {{ states('sensor.house_energy_power') != 'unavailable' and states('sensor.apartment_energy_power_2') != 'unavailable' }}