Energy Monitor Questions

Hi, just set up the Energy Monitor at my house, and I have a few questions / problems that I am working through. The system has two 200 amp panels 9one for the house and one for the garage), a 10 kW solar grid tie inverter without a battery. All of the sensor appear to be working correctly in lovelace. I have reset the totals for kWh to zero them out after I corrected the channel / CT errors that I had (number on the jacks was not what I expected, circuitsetup 6 channel board).

  1. The values for Total kWh read normally during the day, but last night during low load the values jump up several MWh’s and I don’t know why, what would cause this?

  2. Is there a way to change the price per kWh from euro’s to dollars or do I just have to wait until another version comes out?

  3. Is there a way to change the graphic that shows power flow from Total Daily Watts to Watts so that I can see power flow in real time?

  4. Is there a plan to add a Total Daily Watts reset? I have been deleting the database to clear the totals.


Configuration → General

I will try that thanks, I the configuration for the Energy Monitor the pulldown only had Euro’s.