Who can help me adjust my settings here? I’m really stuck for day now.
I just want my dashboard with energy meter showing in W instead of kW.
Also tried the tesla power card , but also no success…
This is my YAML configuration, and work fine for me.
In configure:
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: 'Prosensor/energy'
name: 'MQTT Sensor Wath'
unique_id: "1_esp32_kwh"
device_class: energy #power
state_class: "total_increasing" #measurement
unit_of_measurement: kWh
last_reset_topic: 'Prosensor/energy'
last_reset_value_template: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
- platform: integration
source: sensor.mqtt_sensor_wath
unique_id: "energy_kwh"
name: energy_kwh
I am clueless what is going on in my configuration. I have two scrape sensors:
- from my inverter: (Energy income)
- platform: "scrape"
unique_id: "tarpit_sofar_inverter_shed_today"
name: "tarpit_sofar_inverter_shed_today"
authentication: "basic"
username: "admin"
password: "***"
resource: ""
select: "script"
index: 1
value_template: '{{ (( value.split('';'')[6] ) | replace (''var webdata_today_e = '','''')|replace(''"'', '''')|float )}}'
scan_interval: 300
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
device_class: "energy"
state_class: "measurement"
- my heat pump (Energy consumption)
- platform: "scrape"
unique_id: "tarpit_lwz_p_heizung_tag_scrape"
name: "tarpit_lwz_p_heizung_tag_scrape"
resource: ",1"
select: ".value"
index: 23
value_template: '{{ value.replace("kWh", "").replace(",", ".") | float(default=0) }}'
scan_interval: 60
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
device_class: "energy"
state_class: "measurement"
The first sensor shown up inside the energy dash board, the second does not.
lwz: (heat pump)
I don’t understand the difference between these both sensors, can somebody help?
Thanks for this very helpful thread. I am getting an error from the dashboard regarding the units of my gas consumption sensor.
**Unexpected unit of measurement**
The following entities do not have the expected units of measurement 'Wh', 'kWh', 'MWh' or 'GJ' for an energy sensor or 'm³' or 'ft³' for a gas sensor:
* sensor.gas_consumption_m3 (m³)
Below is the configuration for the sensor
- name: "Gas consumption m3"
state: >
{{ ((states.sensor.gas_meter_reading.state | float * 1 / 100)) * 1.012 * 2.8316846592 }}
unit_of_measurement: "m³"
device_class: energy
state_class: measurement
last_reset: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'
I tried m3 M3 m³ with no success.