Hey all,
First post here, but a long-time reader. Like I assume everyone here, interested in using less energy.
I recently discovered the EPA’s Energy Star Program and its metrics on single family homes.
In short, they calculate an EUI (energy usage intensity) and then plot the result on a distribution of surveyed homes (similar type, heat source, etc.) to say how efficient you are, as a percentile. Kind of cool and understandable, even to a layperson.
I was interested in converting my natural gas, water and electricity usage in Home Assistant to EUI, and then plotting in realtime where I would fall re: the Energy Star’s home performance distribution to basically assess my performance vs. the model, but before I did wanted to check: has anyone done anything similar?
A quick search turned up nothing.
The model I’m talking about above is here:
(again, from the US EPA, so probably fairly specific to North America at least…)