I have a question regarding the presentation of energy sensors in Grafana. In below screenshot I display the solar production for one week, and the solar production in one month.
Remarkably, the sensor for week (look at yesterday) mentions the right production, but when I look at the day state in solar this month, it mentions only 1.5 KWH on the 01/30 iest of this month.
SELECT SUM("integral") AS sum
From (
SELECT INTEGRAL("mean", 5m) AS integral
SELECT mean("value") FROM "W" WHERE ("entity_id" = 'solaredge_current_power') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time(5m) fill(null)
GROUP BY time(1d)
The values of the current power solaredge are stored in Watt
If you have energy sensors this is a lot easier to do with utility meters in Home Assistant. You can then import the sensors into Infludb/grafana and select “max” for the cycle (day/week).
If you don;t have energy sensors you can create them: