Energy sockets show negative values in month and year bar chart statistics

Some of my energy sockets - Bl!tzwolff BW-SHP13 ZB 3.0 Smart WIFI Socket, Controller EU Plug - show negative values in monthly and yearly bar chart statistics.

How can I resolve this? TIA

Home Assistant Supervised on NAS (OVA) > 2023-10-24 | Home Assistant 2023.10.5 | Supervisor 2023.10.0 | Operating System 11 | Frontend 20231005.0 - latest | installed_addons | Studio Code Server (5.13.0), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.111.1), InfluxDB (4.8.0), Grafana (9.1.1), Terminal & SSH (9.7.1), File editor (5.6.0), Samba share (10.0.2), Whisper (1.0.0), Piper (1.4.0), openWakeWord (1.8.0), ESPHome (beta) (2023.10.3)