Energy: Support fixed CO2 levels just as you support fixed cost


I’ve setup Energy using CO2 Signal, but that just reports average CO2 and fossil usage for the entire country. I pay extra to my electricity provider to only purchase fossil free electricity, and would therefore like to specify a constant 100% fossil free mix.

For cost you have nice options including “fixed price”, please add the same for the CO2-mix.


That is admirable. However the electricity you get comes from the same wires as your neighbour, who may not be paying the extra. How does this work? It seeems like a “have”.

It usually works (in France at least) with certificates.
Energy producers inject given energy in the grid each month and get some “certificate” in exchange. They are free to sell those certificates to anybody. Every energy distributor buy those certificates.
Low-carbon energy distributors can make sure they finance only low-carbon electricity by buying certificate from producer they choose.
Of course electrons coming to each house are not more carbon-free than others. Those certificates are a proof of production.
By choosing a carbon-free distributor, you know your money is going to producers that produce low-carbon energy.


Yep same here in Aus. Most providers offer a 100% green and/or a 100% CO2 offset plan.