Energy widgets in own dashboard have no data although the original Energy dashboard works properly

Hi there,

I created an own Energy dashboard with widgets mixed off original HA energy widgets via YAML as described in manual and third-party HACS widgets.

Basicaly it’s working as expected, but quite often there is the issue that all original widgets tell me, that there are no historical data available. The same message which you get, if no PV and energy counters are configured in HAs energy dashboard. But I’ve configured it since months and the original dashboard works always without issues.
How could it be, that the original dashboard works, and my own not?
All data is available in HAs database (as I can see in original dashboard).

Any suggestions?
Many thanks in advance

There are bad HACS cards out there that basically break all the energy cards (I think energy-period-selector-plus is a popular one that comes to mind).

I would review which ones you have installed and try removing them.

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Hi @karwosts

many thanks, you are my hero :slight_smile:

I actually had install that energy-period-selector-plus. Replaced it with original date selector. Now it seems to work as it should.