but the original sensor “Kaltwasserbezug” is not available via EnergyDashboard, only if I try it via the Template “Wasserverbrauch”.
Does someone know the reason? I added the template because the Kaltwasserbezug was not available.
The Template has the disadvantage that everyday the AI Device does not provide data for some time and then the sensor-data Kaltwasserbezug is not available. In the statistics has this the effect that some old data for the template is used. I do not understand why or how can I change this behavior.
I tried some more combinations and completly new names. I think I need to wait some time until the new sensor will be available. currently only the old one with this error is available
I had a similar problem with a water meter entity I was working on… ultimately on the “Statistics” tab of developer tools it listed the entity and the ability to “fix issue” because I didn’t have the UOM set when the entity was first created. Once I did that they showed up.