
I have controlled the heatpump a bit more strict due to higher energy prices, but I think the score is easier to reach if the differences in price between highest and lowest are significant. It also might help if the lowest prices are similar to get an even floor, as with the higest prices to get an even roof.

Agree, I have something in the backlog on the price sensitivity - not sure how to deal with it yet. I also think that the absolute price could be part of the score sensitivity somehow.

Hi, got some errors after upgrading to 2023.2
Is it something to do with python 3.9?

Platform error sensor.energyscore - cannot import name ‘Optional’ from ‘homeassistant.helpers.typing’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/

Ah, found the critical update. Good work!

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I implemented an optimisation of my immersion heater in my combined heat pump/boiler system on January 20th. The EnergyScore had been running for a time before that so it was now time to look if the change was significant. You can see that this optimisation has been quite effective as the EnergyScore is significantly higher after the optimisation than before. You can see the better score on both daily averages of the score and the weekly averages, but I think especially the latter is good!

Version 1.3 was just released. EnergyScore now comes with two new sensors, cost and potential savings!

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Thank you for sharing Lunken. Great graph. Can you share how you created this graph?

great contribution. I noticed the graph requires a sensor ‘power savings percentage’. How is this calculated and what would be the best way to define that sensor?

That is the EnergyScore sensor, it’s value is between 0 and 100%

Hello. Thanks for putting together your integration. Does “Price entity” work on 1hr blocks or 30 min blocks? If the former, would you consider a future update to include 30 min blocks for pricing? My UK energy provider (Octopus) provides 30 min pricing. Thanks in advance.

In Finland they are going to take 15min blocks in use at near future. Maybe that could be in configuration?