I am trying to integrate to my home automation, the reading coming from mbus heat meter (Engelmann Sensostar) over mqtt.
Due to a limitation of the mbus gateway I’ve used, it dosen’t seem possible to create a comprehensive single message, with all the variables and values.
Listening ad the selected topic, I receive single messages for every single mbus variable.
Message 2680 received on adfweb at 14:02:
"description": "P0-2",
"primary address": "0",
"measure unit 1": "Energy [Wh]",
"value": "326000.000000",
"position": "19"
QoS: 0 - Retain: false
Message 2679 received on adfweb at 14:02:
"description": "P0-2",
"primary address": "0",
"measure unit 1": "Energy [Wh]",
"value": "326000.000000",
"position": "18"
QoS: 0 - Retain: false
Message 2678 received on adfweb at 14:02:
"description": "P0-2",
"primary address": "0",
"measure unit 1": "Type of Data in VIFE",
"value": "5",
"position": "17"
QoS: 0 - Retain: false
…and so far for all 19 values…
Can you please advice to what will be the best way to read them, aggregate and create a single sensor with appropriate attributes?
I am a newbie and any help will be greatly appreciated!
Hello, I have also similar MBUS Engelmann heatingmeter (maddalena SensoStar2) and otherS MBus watermeter (maddalena MBusEvo). I think I could connect them to HA too. As a newbie I’m starting from scratch: Could you disclose what kind of HARDWIRING you did?