Engelmann Water Meter in HA

Hello all,

I live in an apartment for rent and recently we got new water meters. I have noticed that a radio module (https://www.engelmann.de/en/product/faw-radio-add-on-module/) is installed on the water meter and would like to read and process this with HA. How can I receive the data? Has anyone here done this before?

Thank you in advance!

You have to search for a wireless M-Bus integration in HA.
Quick search pointed at some tracks to explore further:

Viel Erfolg :wink:

it seems to be that there is something in this direction already prepared:
wmbusmeters/wmbusmeters-ha-addon: To become the new public ha-addon repository for wmbusmeters. (github.com)
It seems that the rtlsdr drivers (RTL2832U devices) are supported. I haven’t seen anything related to Engelmann so far.