Enhance input_select A.K.A. Dropdown Helper

  1. It is A pain when you have a dropdown list created through the GUI to reorganise, or add an item to the beginning of a long list.
  2. It is a pain when you have a dropdown input_select that needs to be duplicated multiple times & has the exact same list of items (E.g. A Light Blueprint requiring the same listed content for each area).
  3. It would be awesome if input_select options could be automatically populated with a list of other items like groups, ‘labels’ or ‘tags’

So this feature request has a couple of suggestions:

  • In the GUI provide a “move/re-order” option to reorganise items for A “Dropdown” list.
  • Add A option to pull items from other list’s E.g. like another input_select or all entity_id’s in the light domain, (&or even better combine other lists together).

#1 in the traditional theme of HAss, just allow input_select “options:” too except “Jinja2 template’s”.