Enhanced MFA with Recovery Codes

I’d like to suggest the addition of recovery codes to the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) module in Home Assistant. Here’s why:


  1. Offline Access During Internet Outages:
    Recently, my area experienced an extended power outage due to a storm, which not only disrupted my internet connection but also messed up the time settings on my Home Assistant. With the current MFA system being time-dependent, I found myself unable to log in during this period when my power was restored but my internet wasn’t. The inability to access my smart home setup during this time was quite inconvenient.

  2. Increased Reliability:
    Recovery codes would provide a safety net for users, offering a reliable means of access even when the usual MFA methods are temporarily inaccessible. This adds an extra layer of security without compromising on user convenience.

  3. User-Friendly Experience:
    In situations where time synchronization is challenging or when users are offline, having recovery codes would ensure a smoother login process. It aligns with the user-centric philosophy of Home Assistant.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate the hard work you all put into making Home Assistant a fantastic platform!