Enhancing Blueprints: Unlocking Execution Modes for Better Automation Performance

It would be interesting if blueprints could have a “change mode” option to determine whether the blueprint executes in single, restart, queued, or parallel mode.

Currently, I notice that a 4-gang button linked to light switches and automated with a blueprint doesn’t work quickly. I imagine this is because it is originally defined in single mode. However, when I transform the blueprint with “take control” and set it to parallel mode, it works perfectly.

It would be great to retain the blueprint (without using “take control”) and still have the ability to control its execution mode, such as parallel or others.

Hi joselao,

I like the idea, and support it / voted for it. (Perhaps you should vote for it yourself??)

In this specific case you may want to contact the original author of the blueprint and suggest this change to them and why. That might fix a problem for all the users of the software.
Also you could just change that in the original blueprint instead of taking control of you want it to stay a blueprint. You would have to do that in a editor as there is not UI editor for Blueprints.