Enhancing User Experience with Pre-Built Automations and Routines

Enhancing User Experience with Pre-Built Automations and Routines

Dear Home Assistant Community,

My name is Pooya Mohammadhossein, and I’m a passionate Home Assistant user eager to contribute to the platform’s growth.

I believe that introducing a library of pre-built automations and routines would significantly enhance the user experience for both newcomers and experienced users. By providing a collection of common scenarios, such as “Good Morning,” “Leaving Home,” or “Movie Night,” Home Assistant can accelerate the setup process and inspire users to explore more complex automations.

Additionally, implementing an import/export function for automations and routines would facilitate knowledge sharing within the community and empower users to customize their homes more effectively. This feature could be as simple as a copy-paste option or a more structured format for advanced users.

I envision a system where users can easily browse and select pre-built automations based on their needs, with the ability to customize them further to match their specific preferences. This approach would not only save time but also encourage users to experiment with different automation possibilities.

I’m eager to collaborate with the Home Assistant team and the community to refine this idea and bring it to fruition. I believe that by providing a solid foundation of pre-built automations and routines, we can make Home Assistant even more accessible and powerful for everyone.

Thank you for considering my feedback.


Pooya Mohammadhossein

Pooya M

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