Enphase Envoy with Energy Dashboard

OK - edit - something isn’t setup right in your system - can you show us the output from http://envoy.local like mine above?

Note - you’re not consuming any power when the sun isn’t producing power - so it looks like they haven’t installed your system correctly
This is mine - see consumption at night - this

is missing on yours

Is this what you want to see?

Yeah, its very weird that your consumption and production are almost identical.
These should be independent.
You only need 1 CT clamp attached to 1 wire.
That wire should be the mains wire coming out of the utility meter which supplies your house with grid electricity. The CT clamp just measures how much electricity is flowing over the wire as well as what direction and stores this in the consumption records.

Please make sure the CT clamp is only clamped onto 1 wire and maybe try rebooting the envoy.

Or better yet, if its a new install, get the installer to check out your consumption/production numbers online and then maybe they will come out and check the physical installation and advise if there are any issues.

Yes thansk Ryan - see production is identical to consumption - unless you have a battery or a smart power diverter - any excess power generated should be exported - so consumption would be different to production - see my edited message above

I wonder if they have put the CT on the production from the solar panels - the CT should be after the main switch, just before the meter which will measure consumption - i’ll find a diagram and post

Here’s a diagram that shows where the CT clamps need to be:

Here is a photo of the wiring diagram for the combiner box. I’ve traced all the wires 4 times now and it appears hooked up correctly like the diagram shows.

Here is my ‘consumption side’ CT clamps.
I have 2. but you only need 1.
The white cable goes directly to the back of my meter.
I have the black CT clamp for Enphase and the Blue CT clamp is for my hot water diverter.

I’m going to open my panel and post a photo. Standby…

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Where is the CT connected - I can’t see it in the diagram? There is mention that the battery must pass through the production CT but thats all

Here is how the CT in connect in my combiner box. It is connected to the “Production” connector on the circuit board.

I do see production CT plugged in (P1).
I dont see any consumption CT plugged in. (C1 or C2)


Yes there’s only one CT plugged in and it’s monitoring the solar panels coming in. What’s really weird is that it appeared the computer was calculating everything just fine before without the metering set up but now I’m wondering if it just wasn’t set up correctly from the start.

you need 2 CT clamps (each one has blue and white wires)

sourced from

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You need two CT’s to measure both production and consumption. You have a nice separate box for your Enphase components - mine have been installed on a single switchboard with all the circuit breakers for the house. I’d get call the installers and ask them to come back as they haven’t connected the Consumption CT. I’ll post a photo showing where my Consumption CT is installed

Aaah that makes sense. You know what’s funny is that I’ve been using an Aeotec Energy Meter and I have two CTs (on for each phase) monitoring my power use from the grid. Now that I have the solar system connected, if I’m producing more than what I need, the Aeotec meter will show a negative number (watts). It will also obviously show that I’m using less power from the grid when the solar starts producing. For the time being, I wonder if there’s a way to incorporate that with the envoy to set up the Energy dashboard for the time being?

Here is a photo of where my Consumption CT is connected - it is directly after the main fuse for the house per the diagram I have above.

A second CT for Generation is connected over the power cables that come directly from the panels on my roof (I have two banks of panels - so one red wire per bank of panels). There is a third smaller CT you can also see in this photo - thats for the Hot Water System that is heated with Off Peak Power. Where I live in country NSW, I pay $0.15 per KWh for Off peak and i am paid $0.20 per KWh for export,

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Ok. Well I definitely can confirm that my installer has NOT installed the consumption CT clamp which sounds like is the problem. :disappointed:

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The weird thing is that they have done something to fool you to think they have - hence why you’re seeing generation in your Enphase online graphs after they 'fixed" it?

Have a few things…
First wanted to comment on the CO2 Signal.
When looking at the integration, it shows no errors. (seems good right?)
…but click on it and look at the details, mine does not report anything.

I’ve let this sit for a while… no change.

Next item @del13r (sorry on the other thread… I couldn’t locate this one in the slew of posts from the older thread). Much appreciate your work in this, I’ve read this top to bottom.

My setup is: Envoy Combiner (X-IQ-AM1-240-3-ES) connected to a 400amp (split x2-200amp main panels). So I have 2 sets of CT’s. I’ve verified all my connections are good with Enphase support

Enlighten output for today

Prior to the “Energy” integration, I was using my own setup to monitor values. This is just polling/using the default Enphase sensors, so I know I have good data.

For the life of me, I cannot get a single value to post in the energy section

I can see values using your sensors/templates you created (except for the import power/energy), which I am not sure if that is related to me producing more than I need… so nothing is being imported at the moment??

Here are the sensor lookups

…and here are the code blocks (inserted into configuration.yaml)

  - sensor:
      name: Grid Import Power
      state_class: measurement
      icon: mdi:transmission-tower
      unit_of_measurement: W
      device_class: power
      state: >
        {{ [0, states('sensor.envoy_xxx_current_power_consumption') | int - states('sensor.envoy_xxx_current_power_production') | int ] | max }}

  - sensor:
      name: Grid Export Power
      state_class: measurement
      icon: mdi:solar-panel-large
      unit_of_measurement: W
      device_class: power
      state: >
        {{ [0, states('sensor.envoy_xxx_current_power_production') | int - states('sensor.envoy_xxx_current_power_consumption') | int ] | max }}

  - sensor:
      name: Solar Power Corrected
      state_class: measurement
      icon: mdi:solar-panel-large
      unit_of_measurement: W
      device_class: power
      state: >
        {% set value = states('sensor.envoy_xxx_current_power_production') | int %}
        {% if value  <= 5 %}
        {% elif is_state("sun.sun","below_horizon") %}
        {%- else -%}
          {{ value }}
        {%- endif %}

  - platform: integration
    name: Grid Import Energy
    source: sensor.grid_import_power
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h
    method: left

  - platform: integration
    name: Grid Export Energy
    source: sensor.grid_export_power
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h
    method: left

  - platform: integration
    name: Solar Energy Corrected
    source: sensor.solar_power_corrected
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h

I can add a couple of the items… but not the import energy

This all I get

The odd thing I can see is the grid import energy doesn’t have a device_class: energy showing up

EDIT: I was able to use the customize section for entities and add the device_class and unit_of_measurement to Grid Import Power. Very odd that HA would not pick this up from the template sensor definition. This allowed me to add it into the Energy config… However I still do not get accurate values. My exported should be much more than 8.5kWh


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