Enigma Notify a solution

I noticed the official enigma 2 Satellite set-top box integration does not include a notify option Using OpenWebif it is possible to send notifications to the TV using the following Http :command



x.x.x.x = IP address of enigma box
text= message to send
type = type of text box to display on screen 1 = Info 2 = warning 3 = error
timeout = length of time to display message .

by creating a bash script and using notify command line config you can send messages to the TV

bash script enigma_send.sh.
change IP to match your configuration.

m2=${m2// /%20}
curl --silent --output /dev/null $m1$m2$m3

make sure this is executable chmod u+x enigma_send.sh

create the command line notify

- name: enigma
      platform: command_line
      command: "/config/enigma_send.sh"

You can test the script via the developers tools

search services for notify.enimga

Service data is

message: test message

I hope this is useful to someone :wink:

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Another aproach with the same result would be the use of an “shell_command”:

  notify_enigma: /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/wget "http://ENIGMA-IP/web/message?text=YOUR_MESSAGE_HERE&type=1&timeout=300" -O /dev/null'

Using it for alarms on my CO and water leak sensors.

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@ObiKaiKenobi: As I’m new in HA, can you help with a complete example of the automation? How do you call the shell_command there and how to you handover different text?

For shure:


  co_alarm_vu: /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/wget "http://ENIGMA-IP/web/message?text=!CO%20Alarm%20Keller!&type=1&timeout=300" -O /dev/null'


- id: co_warning
  alias: CO Warnung
  description: ''
  - device_id: f3dcf36a09ee436c9ed91cf380163bbc (don´t know what 
    domain: binary_sensor
    entity_id: binary_sensor.co_keller
    platform: device
    type: turned_on
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: CO Alarm!!!
    service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_XYZ
  - data:
      message: CO Alarm!!!
    service: notify.mobile_app_XYZ_iphone
  - scene: scene.alarm_leuchte
  - service: shell_command.co_alarm_vu

When “binary_sensor.co_keller” is turned_on I notify two mobile devices (notify.mobile_app…), the enigma2 receiver (shell_command.co_alarm_vu) and let a light strip blink red (scene.alarm_leuchte)

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Ah. o.k. fixed command without customized text. Understood this the other way round as lonebaggie has this that way. Thought, that you are doing these as well and wanted to learn, how you do this with the shell_command.

Thanks for your reply.

There is an unoffical app that has notify as a default

Unfortunately only working with installed OpenWebif. Not the case and not possible here (old player).