Enigma2 box intermittent stutter when integrated with Home Assistant

Hi all,
I have a ZGemma H9 2H TV set top box running the latest version of Openvix. It works perfectly. A couple of days ago, I set it up on Home Assistant thus (private info removed)

 - platform: enigma2
    host: ....
    use_channel_icon: false
    deep_standby: false
    mac_address: ....
    port: ....
    username: ....
    password: ....
    name: Kitchen ZGemma

The integration works perfectly. I get status updates and can control the box. However I notice when watching TV from the box, there is intermittent stutter/pausing every minute or so for just a couple of seconds and then it carries on. I tried removing the integration on Home Assistant and the issue seems to go away.

I’m assuming that HA integrations open and maintain a web socket with these kind of devices? Please correct me if I’m wrong. Is it the case that this box is not powerful enough to process both TV and a web socket simultaneously? Any thoughts?

Same situation on Zgemma H9S. Even commenting Enigma2 media player in conf didn’t solve stuttering. I should disable web interface to fix issue.
Stutters corresponds to refreshing screenshot in media player in my case.
I don’t think it’s a problem with performance of box. It must be something else because external app which stream channel from box works ok simultaneously with watching channel on box.