Enigma2 receivers integration

Hi all

New version released - v1.4 - https://github.com/cinzas/homeassistant-enigma-player

This version implements manifest.json, to be compatible with future releases of HA.
I added a dummy play/pause button.

For now it does nothing, but if the community decides on what to do with it, I can have a look.

I believe it will be difficult to map this button to have exact same behavior across all the enigma2 version out there.

I have 3 versions running at home, and couldn’t decide on what to do with it, so, for now I decided to let it do nothing, as this was the default behavior since the beginning.


Ideally, you could assign your own play / pause function via the API.
I know the address needed to play / pause but I don’t know where to insert it in the code


when i press play / pause nothing happens

I know it does nothing
I am asking what do you expect it to do when you hit play or pause.

@cinzas: Is it planned to add your custom component to HACS or to another available repository?
You have written about the Custom updater, but I think that this isn’t usable anymore, is it?

I’ve tried to send a message to my dreambox (OpenWebIf now) and have the following error in my logs. Does somebody has any idea?

  - service: notify.dreambox
      displaytime: 3
      messagetype: 2
      message: Ring Ring
Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.push_doorbell
Source: components/automation/__init__.py:504
Integration: Automatisierung (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 15:47:39 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 15:47:39

Error while executing automation automation.push_doorbell: extra keys not allowed @ data['displaytime']

Remove the displaytime: 3 and messagetype: 2. You can only have the message: ring ring in the data

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Seriously, great plugin, but I can’t find any data on how to trigger channel up/down… I can easily switch to any channel with hardcoded channel number by putting e.g. “media_content_id”:“160” in data, but what should I put to data to get it switched to next channel?


Just call the service media_player.media_next_track :slight_smile:

Screenshot from 2021-05-09 17-27-19

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@cinzas :

Don’t you forget to make soms changes to the plugin?

I still have the next warning in my log, and over a few weeks we have HA 2021.6:

2021-05-15 14:57:04 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] No 'version' key in the manifest file for custom integration 'enigma'. As of Home Assistant 2021.6, this integration will no longer be loaded. Please report this to the maintainer of 'enigma'

Thanks in advanced :wink:

@Alfagek Hi

Which version are you using ?
This has been already implemented in version 1.4 (homeassistant-enigma-player/manifest.json at 4f677208d15409c1cabdc9535ced79607e90726c · cinzas/homeassistant-enigma-player · GitHub)

@cinzas Thank for the heads up. I was using “git pull” and every time i did get “you’re up to date”.
So i was thinking i did have the latest version.

Now i did removed all, and did a new “git clone” and the “no version” warning is gone

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First of all, thank you for all your work.

I can think of 2 behaviors:
1- Pause / continue the playback in EMC of some recordings made with the enigma2 (I use recordings a lot)

2- As I seemed to read you, pause function (start timeshitf)


I run Home Assistant OS 6.2 (Home Assistant Core 2021.8.8) in a virtual machine on my server.
I wanted to setup my enigma receiver. Since the custom_components folder did not exist I created it myself and put the files in as the readme says.

After putting the example code (ip & user/password changed to my data) in my configuration.yaml I get this error when checking the config:

Component error: enigma - Integration 'enigma' not found.

What am I doing wrong?

PS: the standard home assistant integration works fine

Hi @Alkahna

Do you have the folder created in the right place ?
Can you post a screenshot of your HA home folder structure ?

I don’t use HassOS, but I am sure it should load the custom components also

├── enigma
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── media_player.py
│   └── notify.py

I’m pretty sure. As the custom_components folder did not exist I created it myself after reading somewhere about it.
Here is my folder structure:

Looks fine

Next step - can you restart and provide logs ?
There should be some warning or errors thrown

I did a reinstall of Home Assistant OS and now it is working fine. After putting all files in their place (had to create the custom_components folder myself) I put in the code in the configuration.yaml and then reboot the my Host (the VM which Home Assistant OS is running in) it was working.

However I#m mostly interested to use the power features On/Off and Stanby.
In the standard GUI Element there is only the power button which does On/Off to and from Idle mode. How can you do the deep standby or shut off?

What file would I need to copy/edit to make a more simple GUI element that only has the 3 power options (on from standby, off to standby and deep standby) and an indicator if the device is on or not?

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Create control buttons by command line

Try this link contains commands for deep sleep and reboot.

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i am already using the media-control card, but want also the source-list on this card. Is there chance to get it without clicking the three dots?

Has anyone an EPG-card? I search something, to see the program-guide and also to plan a recording…