Enigma2 receivers integration

Hi @DirkStorck , correct, that is the lovelace card.
I do not see the component being initialized on the log.

You should have something like

2022-05-12 11:57:05 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration enigma which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be s
ure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant
2022-05-12 11:57:58 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up enigma
2022-05-12 11:57:58 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.enigma] Initializing enigma devices
2022-05-12 11:57:58 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain enigma took 0.0 seconds
2022-05-12 11:57:58 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Setting up media_player.enigma
2022-05-12 11:58:29 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.notify] Setting up notify.enigma
2022-05-12 11:58:29 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.enigma] [Enigma Notify] Adding Enigma receiver at host initialized

Please share your configuration entry for the enigma custom_component


this is how my configuration looks like


I have two questions:
1- It’s possible to use the host-name? I don’t have static IP and only works when i change to the new IP…
2 - I have integrated with Alexa, it’s possible to change the channel or the volume with Alexa? now i just can turn off and turn on…



1 - I never tried to use the hostname, but it should work. Please try and let us know.
If you can ping the hostname from command line, it should work

2 - I don’t have Alexa. I tried and manage to get it working with google, although I do not use it :frowning: Check how to do it here

Hi, unfortunately I have a very old device with an old version of openwebif ( Version: OWIF 0.4.6). For me the media_next_track is not working. I checked the code and saw that this is related to the commands 105 and 106.
I inspected my openwebif commands and saw in chrome extension, that next is 103 and previous is 108.
I changed it in my source code so this is working, but is there any other possibility, so when I update your addon, that the changes will not be reverted?

Hi @eric1905 .

That’s a really old version.
The only way would be for me to change the code to check the version of webif and change the commands accordingly.

I don’t seen that need honestly.
I would suggest you to download the component and quickly change the code yourself (it only takes 2 minutes) :slight_smile:

If I release a update to the addon, then yes, you will have to change those two commands again.
I do not expect any release soon, unless it gets broken by any update of HA.
In any case, you can quickly do the changes yourself.

If I have to release a new update, I will look at your request by then, to see what I can do.


1 Like

hey, i need help to customize my media player card for my enigma boxes. I scrolled though this thread many times, but i did not find any code examples for the lovelace. i got this integration running very easy but i dont know how to customize the lovelace cards.

i have created a media control card and got my box running with this card.

type: media-control
entity: media_player.vu_wohnzimmer

In my lovelace it show the name, the current channel and two buttons (power & next).


if i click on the player it opens another view and i can change the vol and select the channel from a dropdown menu.


Is it possible to get the dropdown menu in the first view?

thanks you and sorry i am new to home assistant!


i’m getting desperate, i can’t get the enigma plugin to work, always the same error:

2022-07-06 19:31:17 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.loader] Error parsing manifest.json file at /config/custom_components/enigma/manifest.json: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

2022-07-06 19:31:25 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Platform error: notify - Integration ‘enigma’ not found.

2022-07-06 19:31:25 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for enigma: Integration not found.

The file sare in the right folder, the config should also be correct?



The folder with the files should be in config/custom_components

but it is in this folder, see here:

2022-07-06 19:31:17 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.loader] Error parsing manifest.json file at /config/custom_components/enigma/manifest.json: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

could nobody help me?


can you please explain how the function picon: picon works? Is this the picon patch?

I have the picons in the folder http://192.168.x.x/data/piconpool/stefanbenno6_transparent-dunkle-skin_32-bit_220x132/


Can you show the contents of the /config/custom_components/enigma/manifest.json file ?
Can you download everything again and try ?

Did you modify the file ? The contents must be exact like this

  "domain": "enigma",
  "name": "Enigma2 Integration",
  "version" : "1.4",
  "documentation": "https://github.com/cinzas/homeassistant-enigma-player",
  "issue_tracker": "https://github.com/cinzas/homeassistant-enigma-player/issues",
  "dependencies": [],
  "after_dependencies": [],
  "codeowners": ["@cinzas"],
  "requirements": ["beautifulsoup4==4.6.3"]


Sure … The picon is retrieved from OpenWebIf directly.
So, if the picon is shown in openwebif, it will also appear in the enigma2 component.

It gets the picon using the channel reference.
Something like this

Do you picons work on openwebif ? What image are you using ?



I have a dreambox one with the original image and the gemini plugin with a custom picon patch.
I tried the links below in a browser, but i get an error: file not found…strange

http://root:[email protected]/data/piconpool/stefanbenno6_transparent-dunkle-skin_32-bit_220x132/1_0_1_1A91_452_1_C00000_0_0_0.png

thanks, now it works, the file where empty, i don’t know why


Hello @cinzas,

what could be thew problem?

Best regards


I would like to ask if it is possible to create the possibility to change the picon folder in config…

Please share your config file.
seems to be invalid

Hi @xus-droid .

Did not understand the questions.
The picon is retrieved from OpenWebIf. E do not access directly the picon folder.