Enigma2 receivers integration

    - host:
      port: 80
      name: DreamboxOne
      timeout: 20
      username: root
      password: xxxxxx
      bouquet: '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.favourites.tv" ORDER BY bouquet Favourites (TV)'
      picon: picon
      #picon: data/piconpool/stefanbenno6_transparent-dunkle-skin_32-bit_220x132/ #my piconfolder

The problem is that the dream images have there own webif (dreamOs)and I can’t see the icons there. Openwebif for dreamOs doesn‘t exist…

Hello @cinzas ,

is there a way that the Enigma receiver can be displayed as a TV in Homekit?

Best regards



@philippk75 : Sorry, I don’t use Homekit. I don’t think that will work.
@xus-droid: Then it won’t work, as it is designed to get the picon from webif directly, as a http request :frowning:

@cinzas Could you please make your repo integratable into HACS? It would ease the installation process by a lot!


That’s a great idea
Let me take a look when I return from vacations (2 weeks)

I will inform


@cinzas maybe with the repo-app than you set the device type to settop box or receiver, so also homekit would recognize ist as this device? the samsung app does so?




I managed to display the Dreambox with a few functions, but as a TV or settopbox I can not make it into homekit, anyone have an idea?

Best regards


so OpenWebIf I can not install with the Newnigma2 image.

Is it possible to switch the path to a local directory?
I could copy the picons at /local in HA.

Hi guys

Just released a new version (1.5).
There are no changes on the component, so no need to manually update.

I added the possibility to install the component via HACS.
So, if you are using HACS, just add the repository as a custom repository.
Find the instructions here: https://github.com/cinzas/homeassistant-enigma-player#install-with-hacs

If all goes OK, HACS will already suggest to upgrade to the new version (1.5).
Click update, and restart.

That’s it.
You will be notified automatically of upcoming upgrades.

1 Like

Hi, I have a Vu+ Duo4K SE, in the setting/info I can get the CPU temperature.

From OpenWebIf, I can’t get this information, I can get only decoder info, software info, tuner info, etc.

So my question, with this plugin there is a way to grab CPU temperature?

I would like it, because I want create an automation to switch ON and OFF a USB fan.

Thank you

Hi @djdjdj

Unfortunately no. If the OpenwebIf team develops further on their API and starts giving more information, then yes, we will be able to add more sensors to this.
Currently, no temperature is given.

Check what we can get here: OpenWebif API documentation · rdamas/e2openplugin-OpenWebif Wiki · GitHub

Ok, thanks, but I don’t think they will develops further, it’s 5 years they don’t update it.

Anyway thank you.
I leave USB fan always ON :grimacing:, it’s silent and low voltage.

Yes yes, already see it, I thought you could grab it from somewhere.

Thanks for your integration :+1:t4:

Anyway … You can do it yourself :slight_smile:
Just use the command_line sensor (Command line Sensor - Home Assistant)

Example below, for my enigma with ip
You should use private keys to avoid password prompt :slight_smile:

  - platform: command_line
    name: 'Enigma_Temp'
    command: 'ssh -i /config/certs/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] "cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"'
    command_timeout: 20

Have a look on templates also.
With this type of sensor you can then set automation for the usb fan also :slight_smile:
Have a look on the Shell Command - Home Assistant

Really??? Wow!

I’ll take a look today and see how it works.

Thank you very much!

I cannot get this integration configured at all, keep getting the following error when I add to configuration.yaml and try to restart.

[547583714320] The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: enigma - Integration ‘enigma’ not found.

EDIT: Got it working.


Always share you configuration file for enigma and error logs


Apologies if this has already been answered. I have got my enigma2 set up on Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi, I want to be able to use a voice assistant to go to a specific channel or channel up/down, volume up/down etc . I know I can use IFTTT , (that needs a HTTPS weblink) but I want to use a local voice assistant that only connects to my home network. I don’t know if anyone has experience setting up Rhasspy or similar to do this?

For example say I want change channel to Food Network by saying ‘computer (or whatever trigger word) Food Network’ and triggering this link:

http://root: password@box ip address/web/zap?sRef=1:0:1:B5E:7F3:2:11A0000:0:0:0:

Or can anyone who has successfully set up voice control to change channels etc guide me how?


Ok after looking at lots of YouTube videos of using Rhasspy with Home Assistant I am a little bit closer to what I need to do, but would really need some help in integrating the media player. I am old and no experience of what to put into the yaml file to get it working. This video shows how Rhasspy works if anyone can point me in the right direction.

I’m trying to send notifications to my VuPlus receiver in my scripts but have a strange problem with data parameters messagetype. When I try to use messagetype as variable parameter filled via template then the notification never appears on screen.
Even a simple template like ‘"{{ 1 | string }}"’ doesn’t work for messagetype in my script.
I want to create universal notification script which sets messagetype parameter value via template.
It works for KODI notfications but it doesn’t for enigma.
Can’t get the messagetype parameter formatting right, have tried various combinations (of double quotes+apostrophes) but only static values like “1” works but no templates.

             -  service: notify.enigma
                  message: '{{ title }}: {{ message }}'
                    displaytime: "20"
                    #messagetype: "{{ '\x22' + ((message_types.keys()|list).index(message_type) + 1) | string + '\x22' }}"
                    #messagetype: '"{{ 1 | string }}"'
                    #messagetype: '"{{ messagetype }}"'
                    messagetype: "1"

Its a long time ago (>2 years ago) when i used this great intergration.
I did bought a new enigma device (duo4K SE), so i was digging again in this intergration.
But i’m fighting with getting the picon vissible in HA with the intergration. If i set Picon to Screenshot function it is working. But i don’t get the picon in the intergration visible.

I do see the picon on my screen and in “openwebif” and also on the LCD screen
But i dont see it in the intergration in HA.

In this screenschot i see SRef: 1_0_19_4C05_835_000_FFF0000_0_0_0
That SR file does not exist, but if i search in the picon directory it is:

Were is this going wrong?

Hi @Alfagek

Can you share your config. If you want to see the picon instead of the screenshot, then you must set the confi to picon, like this.

  - host:
    port: 80
    name: Gigablue
    picon: picon
    timeout: 20
    username: root
    password: !secret enigma_password