I recently replaced a Shelly controlling my garage door with a RATGDO.
I’ve been going through existing code to change everything over but I’m stuck on my notification automation.
I have a button on my dashboard that shows the state of the door:
show_name: true
show_icon: true
show_entity_picture: true
- value: closed
icon: mdi:garage-lock
color: green
- value: open
icon: mdi:garage-open
color: red
type: custom:button-card
action: navigate
navigation_path: /phone-ui/garage
name: Garage
icon_height: 50px
action: none
entity: cover.ratgdov25i_4b0f5b_door
show_state: false
This works as expected. However, If I paste that same entity into an existing trigger:
platform: state
- cover.ratgdov25i_4b0f5b_door
from: closed
to: open
It doesn’t fire.
I can see the state change in dev tools, but I’m stumped as to why it won’t fire the trigger.
I’m sure it’s something stupid, but I can’t see what’s wrong.
Everything worked previously, I’m just swapping in a new device entity.