Enocean switch

That seems to be also a good alternative, thanks for sharing !

I have tried to start node-red (never used it to be honnest) add-on in Hassio directly.
After several tries, and some errors read, I got it running with the enocean add-on in Node-red.

Here is the configuration file I used in Hassio Node-red addon, for information:

credential_secret: 'secret_credential!'
dark_mode: false
  username: ''
  password: ''
  username: ''
  password: ''
ssl: true
certfile: certificate.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
require_ssl: true
  - make
  - python3
  - g++
  - gcc
  - linux-headers
  - nan
  - serialport
  - node-red-contrib-enocean
init_commands: []
log_level: info

I had to generate an SSL certificate, but you can avoid this task putting “ssl: false” and “require_ssl: false”.

Also, to have the enocean addon working properly, it is necessary to add the following code in the settings.js file, normally stored in /config/node-red

contextStorage: {
   default: {
       module: "localfilesystem"

I will let you know if there is any other progress.

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