Enocean switch

Hello @cgrueter and @RCasa,

I am a beginner with Home Assistant and I started to integrate some EnOcean equipment. I succeeded to integrate F6-02-02, D5-00-01 and D2-01-12.

I know would like to integrate (i) D2-05-00 (for my rolling shutters) and then (ii) D2-01-08 and D2-01-0C (for my heaters).

I understand you succeeded for D2-05-00 thanks to a tailor made code. Could you please tell me which code I have to use ? Do I need to change any settings in it (ID, etc.) ? Do I need to install MQTT broker (to be honest so far, I do not understand its function) ?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Hi TuringFan,

I personnaly use NodeRed in Hassio to command my D2-05-00 EnOcean roller shutters.
Here is the link to my post where I explain the different steps > LINK.

I did not use MQTT, nor cgrueter code, as I was not able to make it work.
For the method I use (NodeRed), there are normally all necessary informations you need to make it work in my post.

Best Regards,
Romain C.

Hi TuringFan, Iā€™m interested integrating D5-00-01 devices in HA as well. I succeded already with the Eltako FFT65B (A5-04-02), but with the documentation of HA on enocean, I cannot find a suitable config for the D5-00-01. How did you achieve it?
Thanks in advance.

just one question.
Yesterday I tried to use Enocean via NodeRed. My problem is, my USB300 Enocean stick is not working inside NodeRed.
Inside of HA there was no issue. Is this because IĀ“m using NodeRed as an HA Addon?
Thank you.

Hi JAD !

I remember I have read somewhere that the stick cannot be used from two plateforms simultaneously. Either you use it through NodeRed, or from HA, but it cannot be both. So if you did not suppress the integration in HA, then it explains why you cannot see it in NodeRed. I was using NodeRed as an Addon, so it should not be a problem.

Unfortunately, I have decided to stop using Enocean through NodeRed, it was not reliable at allā€¦ I have changed the 2 roller shutter modules by Z-wave ones.

Best Regards,
Romain C.

the serial port must be declared within a docker compose if one want to make use of it from within a container. Noticed that when playing on a pi where I did install HA, node-red, grafana and others each on it itā€™s own container.

My advice ā€¦ check for the recently introduced addon which frontends the enocean2mqtt solution. Better but the existing HA integration and lots better but the node-red one.

No need for buying new zwave or zigbee devices :slight_smile:

Hi there,

I would like to ask you, how you have configured your FT55 in HA. I am using fhem with enocean and I am using the MqttGeneric Brigdge in fhem to transfer the actions to HA. I used two binary sensors for a FT55 with a sigle rocker rocker switch.

The configuration in HA looks like this:

  # Kanal 1 obere Wippe
  - unique_id: EG_fl_ws-01
    name: Test (ein)
    object_id: en.button.on_test
    icon: mdi:card
    state_topic: "fhem/EG.fl.WS.Test/state"
    payload_on: "AI"
    payload_off: "released"
    availability_topic: "fhem/connection/status"
    payload_available: "connected"
    payload_not_available: "disconnected"

  # Kanal 2 untere Wippe
  - unique_id: EG_fl_ws-02
    name: Test (aus)
    object_id: en.button.off_test
    icon: mdi:card
    state_topic: "fhem/EG.fl.WS.Test/state"
    payload_on: "A0"
    payload_off: "released"
    availability_topic: "fhem/connection/status"
    payload_available: "connected"
    payload_not_available: "disconnected"

This means. I have two switches, one for the top rocker, one for the bottum rocker with on/off (pressed/release).

I think this is not the correct way to implement in HA. Better solution can be, to have one Sensor where I have the correct channel AI and A0 in HA. But how can this be cofigured? And does anyone have an idea to evaluate a ā€œlong pressā€?
