Enphase automaten

Hi, I am using the Enphase intergration in Home Assistant. Works great, but I like to switch my 0,5kW battery charger on when the there is a difference between the consumption power and the solar power. A trigger when there is more than 0,5kW solar power than we consumere. Is that possible? Can’t find a way to do that in HA.


Robert Soen

Most certainly. But I do not fully understand the calculation you propose. If you mention the entity ids of all the sensors involved (they differ for every user with Envoy) and the calculation you want to perform on them I can help you further. You probably also need information on grid export etc. if those do not come from your envoy.

There is a catch though: you also need to know how much the charger is drawing in. Because once it starts charging, the solar excess is consumed and it would look like there’s nothing left for the charger.

Hi, ik need the difference between Envoy power production and the Envoy power consumtion.

What are the entity id’s? The screenshots just show the friendly name. And when you start the charger (what I understood you wanted to do) - does that affect the numbers? Because if so, you might need to compensate for it.

Entity numbers are: sensor.envoy_122128051770_current_power_production and

If the charger is started it does affect the numbers. But the 0,5kW is just a trigger point. If it happends again it will trigger the charger again but sinds it is aleady working nothing happends. On this moment it only starts to charge if solar production is over 1,2kW and the battery’s are below 97%. (I am using a Bluetty 200max)

You can create a template sensor helper for the difference using this template:

{{ states('sensor.envoy_122128051770_current_power_production') | float(0) - states('sensor.envoy_122128051770_current_power_consumption') | float(0) }}

and test for the value using a numeric state trigger. Or you can skip that and immediately create a template trigger with this template:

{{ (states('sensor.envoy_122128051770_current_power_production') | float(0) - states('sensor.envoy_122128051770_current_power_consumption') | float(0)) > 0.5 }}

Personally I’d use the sensor approach, because you lrobably want to use the difference more often.

Thanks! I am going to try it out next week. Let you know.


Hi, I did it with the template sensor helper. Works great, if there is more than 0,5kW difference charging starts. If there is less than 0kW it stops.

Thanks for the help!


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