Enphase Envoy - Current state of things

O man, real-time what a joy! I use GitHub - posixx/home_assistant_custom_envoy and REST sensor.

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Thanks, it works like a charm :slight_smile:

My envoy-s updated as well some days ago whilst I was away on holiday to version D7.6.175

I’ve added possix repo to hacs and when setting up i’m getting “Device already configured”

Do I have to delete the device from home assistant and add it again?

Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

Delete the old integration first.

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Thanks @HoundDog

Hi all, I had to reconfigure my Envoy integration some days ago after the upgrade of the firmware to v7. I’m using GitHub - posixx/home_assistant_custom_envoy. The integration works fine but every day I get a disconnection at the same time (23:02) and then some parameters become unavailable unless I restart HA. Does anyone else face anything similar?

I just saw this wonderful post Enphase Envoy with Energy Dashboard - #662 by del13r from @del13r and I expect everything is solved :slight_smile:

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Hello guys. Mine stopped working a few days ago. I presume its due firmware upgrade. I now see I have live view of usage in the app or maybe I missed it previously. Can someone post a detailed what to do to get it working again please? I dont want to break fancy dashboard I have for envoy.


I highly recommend you to take a look at the link I shared in the post previous to yours.

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For everyone using the custom integration from @posixx, see his latest github update:

Yes, i upgraded to the mentioned integration without problems; all data and entity names were preserved. Remove the current integration, add new source in HACS, install (i chose MAIN version so i was up to date with latest patches not yet released).

I did change the update interval from 60 to 30 seconds like i was used to with posixx.

Like @vbh (thanks for the summary of steps to take), I also migrated from the deprecated posixx to the “briancmpbll” version. All good and up and running.

Note that v.0.13 has configurable “Update intrval”, no need to manually change it anymore in the “init.py” file.


Good to see that our hardworking coding community has gathered forces and we are on one flow now.


@bokepasa79 Same behaviour noticed here. I am using Evoy-S-metered-EU, on V7,x since it was installed, - these things seem to restart itself every day around 23:00 local time. As such not a big issue, I learnt to live with it, as during that time I have zero Solar production ongoing. Unavailability of the sensors is mostly 1-2 minutes.

HOWEVER - I am using the “Current production xxxx” sensors as input to my energy dashboard. First to a Rieman Sum helper, who then feeds into the final helper which is configured as utility meter which feeds my Energy Dashboard.When the “Current production xxx” becomes unavailable, the Rieman helper becomes unavailble. Understandable, and correct behaviour.
When the Envoy “Current production xxx” becomes available again at about 23:02, it comes available with a value of 0 (zero). The Rieman Sum helper will not trigger on this to also become available, it does so in the early morning when it sees production > 0 value coming in. You might want to leave your system untouched overnight to see if it has exactly this behaviour.

My solution for this:
I run an automation (limited to be triggered onyl during 22:50 - 23:10), which triggers when my Rieman Sum helper becomes unavailable. Then it waits a couple of minutes, checks if Envoy Production xxx is available, and calls a service as per below to force the Rieman Sum helper to update itself. It does that with the new value of 0 (zero) of “Current production xxx”.

I hope I explained it in an understandable fashion, and it helps you.


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Alrighty guys,

Here is the fully manual solution I came up with using just the rest sensor for Enphase Envoy on D7 firmware.
It’s a lengthy guide with lots of explanation.
Hopefully it helps someone else out.

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Thanks for the tip, @Sparks :slight_smile:

I see that home assistant 2023.9 has updated the official enphase integration to support newer firmware. It seems logical to try to move towards the official integration, however I am afraid of losing the historical statistics for energy usage. Does a migration path exist which minimises loss of data ?

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There was something mentioned about this in readme of latest version update IIRC. Maybe check that? And if you change over, let us know the results :wink: I will wait a bit longer before deciding to switch over or not, current solution works fine and has also active development so i don’t see a real benefit ATM.

Having this issue since upgrading to 2023.9 - the Current Power Production data coming from my Enphase Integration (which has been running fine for a year) has suddenly started putting out negative data. This obviously has major effects on the Energy Dashboard data. Has anyone else seen this?

Since 2023.9 (red line is where I updated) updated the native integration, do I need to delete and re-add the Enphase module?

If you are having an issue with the native integration, I would go to

and raise a problem there.

I did days ago and I came back to Enphase DEV because a lot of issues.

I will wait a while before try to change again.