Enphase Envoy D7.0.107 (00f3a9) Cannot Configure Integration

Hi all,

I have a brand new Enphase Envoy system installed. It’s software version is D7.0.107 (00f3a9). When you browse to the local IP and I see this screen

I can login with Enphase, but this calls out to the cloud. I have tried to use this username/password in the integration but it fails.

“envoy” and no password fails as does “envoy” and the last 6 digits of the serial number.

Has anyone been successful using the Enphase Envoy integration with newer hardware/software?

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I have the same problem. Did you manage to solve it?

Same problem. Is there a solution?

Greeting Werner

Hello, I have now found a solution.
For me it worked like this:

  1. Under HACS I added the Custom Repository ( https://github.com/jrutski/home_assistant_envoy_d7_fw ). To do this, click on the 3 dots under HACS / Integration and then select Custom Repository. Enter the above URL there.
  2. Restart HA
  3. Now go to the normal integrations (under Settings) and configure Enphase.

This is how it worked for me.

Greeting Werner

Hallo, ich habe jetzt eine Lösung gefunden.
Bei mir hat es wie folgt funktioniert:

  1. Unter HACS habe ich das Benutzerdefinierte Repositorie ( https://github.com/jrutski/home_assistant_envoy_d7_fw ) hinzugefügt. Dazu unter HACS / Integration oben rchts auf die 3 Punkte klicken und dann Benutzerdefinierte Repositorie auswählen. Dort die o.g. URL eingeben.
  2. HA neu starten
  3. Nun zu den normalen Integrationen (unter Einstellungen) wechseln und Enphase konfigurieren.
    • Oben muss die Systemnummer rein (z.B. 1??20??0?8?3)
    • Benutzername und Passwort wie hier https://enlighten.enphaseenergy.com verwenden
    • Das untere Feld musse bei mir angekreuzt werden

So hat es bei mir funktioniert. Token habe ich nicht verwendet.

Gruß Werner

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I installed the same custom repository through HACS. Some hassle, but it works.
I find the sensors showing sensor.envoy_1222380xxx_current_power_production to work. The same for all my IQ inverters, lively updating and showing true values.

However, the “sensor.envoy_122238xxxx_lifetime_energy_production” does not return any values. I need this one to integrate with my energy dashboard.
Any tips from anyone ?


I am not getting the box at the bottom to tick… i followed the other steps. HA even sees my gateway but no luck loging in.

The HACS code to support envoy needs a manual update (pull request not yet implemented):
it needs a manual update of the config.py

Replace current async_setup_platforms function with async_forward_ent… by DannyNyops · Pull Request #7 · jrutski/home_assistant_envoy_d7_fw (github.com)

I worked for me.

Home Assistant 2023.5.4
Supervisor 2023.04.1
Operating System 10.1
Frontend 20230503.3 - latest

I think the original project that jrutski forked from has already merged this back in February