Lets compare what I can see being reported at https://envoy.local/home right now:

Here is a sample of the information I am able to extract from
"eid": 704643328,
"timestamp": 1689894382,
"actEnergyDlvd": 25392556.647,
"actEnergyRcvd": 0.000,
"apparentEnergy": 29290920.936,
"reactEnergyLagg": 5638991.364,
"reactEnergyLead": 58003.665,
"instantaneousDemand": 687.208,
"activePower": 687.208,
"eid": 704643584,
"timestamp": 1689894382,
"actEnergyDlvd": 11970525.537,
"actEnergyRcvd": 10297737.507,
"apparentEnergy": 30839131.680,
"reactEnergyLagg": 25562.047,
"reactEnergyLead": 12126441.651,
"instantaneousDemand": 892.938,
"activePower": 892.938,
Note: Due to the 2.5 second lag/delay when getting data from production.json, it is impossible to get fully identical matching data for demonstration purposes. Please keep that in mind when comparing that it may be 1 watt different.
Looking at what I am able to get from https://envoy.local/ivp/meters/readings , I can get power production and power net.
From those 2 figures, I am able to calculate 3 additional figures: power consumption, power export, power import.
Source: /ivp/meters/readings |
Description |
W |
kW |
value_json[0].activePower |
Power Production |
687.208 |
0.69 |
value_json[1].activePower |
Power Net |
892.938 |
0.89 |
template sensor calculation |
Power Consumption (Calculated) (production+net) |
1580.146 |
1.58 |
template sensor calculation |
Power Export (Calculated) (production-consumption) |
0.000 |
0.00 |
template sensor calculation |
Power Import (Calculated) (consumption-production) |
892.938 |
0.89 |
I also noticed that I can get 3 lifetime energy sensors: Energy Production, Energy Import, Energy Export.
From those 3 figures, I am able to calculate an additional 2 figures: Energy Net, Energy Consumption.
Source: /ivp/meters/readings |
Description |
Wh |
MWh |
value_json[0].actEnergyDlvd |
Energy Production |
25392556.647 |
25.4 |
value_json[1].actEnergyDlvd |
Energy Import |
11970525.537 |
12.0 |
value_json[1].actEnergyRcvd |
Energy Export |
10297737.507 |
10.3 |
template sensor calculation |
Energy Net (Calculated) (import-export) |
1672788.030 |
1.7 |
template sensor calculation |
Energy Consumption (Calculated) (production+net) |
27065344.677 |
27.1 |
Note: You may also notice that the display at https://envoy.local/home does round this up to the nearest decimal point but this is just a cosmetic difference in the interface. My table also does this to match.
When comparing these tables with the data shown at https://envoy.local/home , all of my calculated data lines up and the math checks out.