Enphase Envoy with Energy Dashboard

ah ok, in that case, then remove the unit_prefix line

Hi @del13r , Ok so I’ll let it collect for 24 hours, and then switch my energy dashboard. Hopefully, I would be able to see the perfect graph, and what I’m using myself VS what I’m exporting :slight_smile:

I’ll revert back here with my screenshot.

Only worried if somewhere I need to divide or multiple by 1000 :slight_smile:

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Energy dashboard will only show data from the moment you add the sensors to the energy dashboard onwards.

Just making sure you arent expecting to have a full day of data visible in energy dashboard as soon as you add them.

Right, so for now, since I just added these sensors, energy dashboard doesn’t show anything correct for today.

The long term statistics which energy dashboard uses as a data source used to be calculated at 12 mins past the hour for the previous hour which is why Energy Dashboard warns you with this message:

After setting up a new device, it can take up to 2 hours for new data to arrive in your energy dashboard.

Hi @automateme1,

I have @fireheadman asking a similar question to what you were asking about at Enphase Envoy with Energy Dashboard - #573 by automateme1

Just checking to see if you were able to successfully turn this into a sensor using rest?

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Hi @del13r
Thank you for the pointer below. I didn’t notice this in the GUI (but it actually is on the “hamburger” (three vertical dots) config menu on the right top corner where it should be). My bad.
So I would say your reply was truly “enlightening:slight_smile:

Adding the “Return to grid” as the same entity as “Grid consumption” actually has some logic as this is the CT is the same sensor and the integration probably ignores positive and negative values between the two respective instances.

Pre V.7 I had my Python polling data in something like 10 second intervals from various Envoy APIs. You are right that on many APIs one is on their own calculating energy integral but I was interested about the metrics for individual panels (and washing odd/even to see the difference). So I was polling fast, aligning data from various API sources by the time stamps and filling-in the blanks not provided by the “lifetime” energy API. I might eventually get back to that but I need to decipher how to share the access token since the two applications requesting tokens would be “pulling rug under each other” - disqualifying the other party acquired token.
I spent way too much time yesterday trying to figure out where in the filesystem does the


live. This module contains a set “TO_REDACT” containing “CONF_TOKEN”. Once I comment that line out I can harvest the token from the log and re-use in parallel with hass. Shouldn’t be that hard, right?

Another reason to possibly venture into a custom integration might be the granularity of reporting. Right now he binning is on a hourly basis. I remember someone loudly defending on one of the forums that kWh can be (obviously :wink: ) reported only in hourly increments (and it would then be easy to deduce that J (or Ws) work only when reported for each second :rofl:
For now I just need to be more patient or resurrect my non hass implementation.
Thanks a lot for your help!

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I disagree with that assumption. In my experience, I have a 12 month token for home assistant to talk to envoy and I generate a seperate token whenever I access https://envoy.local from my browser.
The only thing that matters for tokens is the expiry date. As long as you are using the token before the expiry date, you can generate hundreds of other tokens and it won’t invalidate your existing token.

I also disagree with this CT assumption.
I have found that the native HASS enphase integration calls on pyenphase to extract “total-consumption” and “production” from https://envoy.local/production.json . Total-consumption is calculated by the envoy which adds both CT clamps (CT1 production + CT2 net-consumption) = total-consumption. This is calculated every time that url is requested.

See this link for more on this discussion: Enphase Envoy with Energy Dashboard - #729 by del13r

Total-consumption is actually what your house consumed. It includes both what your house used from the grid as well as what your house used from the solar production. For this reason, I disagree with using it in energy dashboard without using calculations to separate what was used from the grid and what was used from your panels.

Total Consumption Example here:

If you want actual figures direct from the CT clamps, you need to use https://envoy.local/ivp/meters/readings as a data source and you still need need to perform calculations in home assistant. The data source you might incorrectly assume that you are using is net-consumption which is direct from the ct clamp. I can assure you that if you are using the native HASS integration, you will not be getting net-consumption.

Net consumption example

Either way, if you want energy dashboard to report correct figures, you need home assistant to perform calculations to provide a sensor to accurately represent grid import and grid export.

Interesting! I will have to test that. Since I didn’t yet get access to the token hass pulls my only assumption was based on the fact that any time I manually pull a token at https://entrez.enphaseenergy.com/entrez_tokens I get a different one.
But I never verified the assumption “newly generated token disqualifies predecessors” . The only thing I noticed was that next day my (manually generated) token didn’t work and I assumed it was because hass pulled a new one in the meantime.

Will test some more.

You likely only got a 12 hour commissioned token or 12 hour un-commissioned token via the gui at https://entrez.enphaseenergy.com/login

I recently tested and documented this here

This all works perfectly on my Enphase system. Thank you!

@del13r Thank you so much for the fantastic work. Please bear with me if I ask stupid questions. I have tried my first stab at following the instructions. But I guess I’m missing few things.

  1. The integration sensor for Export Energy is showing up as Unavailable. Note: At the time of writing this, its 9:54 PM EST and obviously the Export Power is 0 W which shows properly. Please see screenshots.

  2. When I still try to add these sensors into the Energy Dashboard, I see that I get validation errors. Example errors are: sensor.grid_export_energy → statistics_not_defined and sensor.grid_export_energy (unavailable). Please see screenshots.

  3. The Energy Distribution section on Energy Dashboard seems to be super off. I assume its because of the issues with the sensors in some invalid state. Screenshots attached as well.

The configuration.yaml entry is also in the screenshot below. Honestly, I tried my best to keep things simple.

Some useful info:
HAOS with Core - 2024.1.6
Enphase Envoy - Firmware Version: D8.2.127 (b9a901)
Enphase Part Number: 800-00664-r05
Envoy Integration: Official HA Integration

Any help that you can offer by looking at my challenge and a guidance is much appreciated. Again, please forgive me if I have made a stupid mistake.

Thanks in advance.

I think the biggest hurdle for you right now is that your export sensor has not increased above 0 yet, and therefore the integration sensor you have named “Grid Export Energy” will not be properly formatted until the sun starts shining tomorrow and your panels generate more than your house consumes. At this point you cannot use that export energy sensor in energy dashboard yet until tomorrow.
Once that energy sensor is properly formatted once the figure rises above 0, you may need to go to developer-tools/statistics and see if there is a fix issue button you can press.
I dont recomend pressing it until the integration sensor is properly formatted.

The obvious difference is that you are using float and then multiplying by 1000 to convert kW down to W presumably because your IQ gateway is supplying kW.
I see no problem with doing that as long as the sensor has the correct attributes with the focus on having the correct unit_of_measurement defined for your intended W or kW preference.
You theoretically may not need to divide by 1000 if you are happy viewing your power sensor in kW which is the same unit of measurement that the IQ gateway is providing.

As my Envoy returns watts as an integer, ive tried to match what the envoy provides as well as keep decimal points out of the equation, but thats just my preference, you may be doing floating points and decimals due to how the data is being provided by the IQ gateway.

Here is my current YAML setup in Watts

  - sensor:
        name: Power Export
        state_class: measurement
        icon: mdi:transmission-tower
        unit_of_measurement: W
        device_class: power
        state : >
          {{ [0, states('sensor.power_production') | int(0) - states('sensor.power_consumption') | int(0) ] | max }}          

Here is the POWER sensor shown in developer tools of home assistant.
This figure can increase and decrease like a car speedometer defined by “state_class: measurement”

Then I take power as a source which is supplied in W and then convert that to energy over time in kWh which divides the Watts by 1000 to get kWh.
This figure only ever increases like an car odometer indicated by “state_class: total_increasing”

Here is the ENERGY sensor shown in developer tools of home assistant.

Thank you @del13r for taking time to respond. Much appreciate it.
I see that my Energy Dashboard is in a good state now. I figured that the moment the Export related entities started having values, my issues went away.

I also see that the Unavailable issue may pop up anytime during the initial setup as the integration is the culprit.
Please see the github issue and I think its the inherent behavior of HA which started in 2023.5.2.

A constructive feedback from my side. If you could please add this scenario as a note in your original post, it would be great and our fellow HA users may find it useful during the initial setup. Kindly please consider.

Again, thanks for everything.

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Thanks for the feedback. I did make a small mention in post 1 but I might have been a bit vague with my wording and I should update the word production to the word export.
Thanks again.

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Hi @del13r, wondered if you have any pointers, have been successfully polling the home.json and also using the add-on to get grid status but a month ago both options stopped working. I can’t seem to find anything online regarding Enphase changing the API. I was previously was using the below but the empower parameter no longer exists.

resource: https://192.168.xx.xxx/home.json
method: GET
verify_ssl: false
value_template: “{{ value_json[‘enpower’][‘grid_status’] }}”

Hi @automateme1,
I just checked mine and I am still on:

Software Version:
D7.6.175 (f79c8d)
Software Build Date:
22 Jun, 2023 8:43 PM

Do you mind going to https://envoy.local/home and showing what version you are currently on?

My other comment is that I dont have a battery and my encharge property always looks like this

    "encharge": [
        "num": 0,
        "level": 0,
        "level_24g": 0,
        "level_subg": 0

Thanks for the prompt response:

Software VersionD8.2.127 (b9a901)
Software Build Date14 Dec, 2023 8:41 AM

Even the local web portal shows the following even though the app shows “On Grid”

My home.json for “encharge” which is under “Conn” shows:

	encharge		[1]
	0		{4}
num	:	6
level	:	4
level_24g	:	4
level_subg	:	4


Mine stopped working, looks like
