Enphase gateway replacement


It seems like my Enphase gateway/envoy is broken and might be replaced.
Does anybody know if it will automatically work in home assistant or that i might need to take some steps in order for it to get energy dashboards up and running again?

Thanks in advance for the answer(s)

Some preparation is going to be needed depending on how you use the data, what Envoy type it is and what Integration you are using. My reply is based on using the Home Assistant core Enphase integration. If you use a custom integration things may differ.

The straight forward approach, which is at the cost of loosing statistics and states for production (and consumption) data, is to delete the existing Envoy and add the new one. This will create new entities and re-start building production/consumption states and statistics for these all over from scratch. States and Statistics of inverters and batteries will be kept and continued when the new Envoy is added. (*)

Reason for this behavior is the fact that the Envoy serial-number is part of the entity-id and the unique-id of the production/consumption entities. Inverters and batteries use their own serial-number and that doesn’t change when they are reported by the new Envoy.

The answer to the obvious question how to avoid data loss will require hand-work. As I don’t have the full process I would use, laid-out nor tested, I’m thinking out loud here for now. The idea would be to change the entity-id’s with the old envoy serial-number in them to a new entity-id replacing, the old serial-number by the new serial number. Then deleted the old one and add the new one to HA. The new one will find the deleted entities that have the new serial number and use these.

Changing the entity-id has reported issues that result in an error and loss of the state data. The statistics data used by the Energy dashboard, is retained however. The state table covers like last 7 days or so by default and might be less of an impact then loosing the long term statistics. But that fully depends on how you use the system.

So that is the long story where the short answer is: yes it will take some steps. Can’t make it any better, either option comes with issues and limitations. There’s probably some more issues or questions that might surface in the process.

You might also need to update dashboards, templates, automation as needed in either case with changed entity-ids.

The far simplest solution would be if they can transfer the serial from old to new envoy. But that is probably no option.

(*) If a custom integration was used in the past the inverter and or battery history may start over also depending on what entity-id the custom integration used.

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Thank you very much for your answer!

And yes, i had to add the new device, change all the stuf etc unfortunatly…
They could (would? :wink: ) not do anything except replacing the envoy.
But at least it is al working again. (except for some old readings but i am oke with that)

Good to hear you are all set again. My reply may have been too late for your change, just adding this note for others going through the same adventure in the future, including myself when I ever install batteries and need to change from Envoy standard to metered.

If you want to maintain access to old statistics readings over a swap then change the entity-id’s before the remove/add in Home Assistant. Then before you add the new Envoy, remove the old one. In this way the statistics will be available on the new entities when the new Envoy is added. Make sure to replace the old Envoy serial number with the new Envoy serial number so there’s a match when adding the new one.

As mentioned before, the state data will not transfer to the new entity-id during the entity-id change. At least not with current HA version 2024.8.x and earlier. The log file will show a “New entity_id is already in use” error, which might be fixed in some future HA version.

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