Enphase integration not working after Envoy updated to D7.0.43 (8ed8ea)

My Enphase Envoy system appears to have upgraded itself overnight.
It is now running

  • Software Version D7.0.43 (8ed8ea)
  • Software Build Date 28 May, 2021 4:21 PM
    This has changed the local IP access to Envoy is now forced to https, and it sends you to https://entrez.enphaseenergy.com/authorize to authenticate using your Enlighten username and password, then brings you back to the local IP.

So this has broken the integration, I tried resetting up the integration but it can’t even connect now.

I am seeing the same issue with my system. Ill raise a GitHub issue.
Exactly the same software version.

Looks like they have restricted access to the local API behind client authentication.

If anyone else is reading this and your Envoy-S gateway is still working with Home Assistant, I would seriously consider using a firewall to restrict its outside connectivity to the Internet to prevent the firmware upgrade from being pushed to it by Enphase…


I’ve raised the issue on GitHub.

Call me a cynic, but possibly this firmware upgrade is part of a plan to force people to pay for access to their own solar system data…. :rage:

The ‘Free’ plan is 10000 hits per day which is about one hit every 5 minutes… :slightly_frowning_face:

Or you can pay $349 dollars AUD for ‘Enlighten Manager’ to get access to data that used to be available for free.

If one only hits the site during 12 hours of the day, then that’s about once every 2 min.

I see there is still ongoing work in this area by @vk2him in this Enphase forum thread

As part of a system expansion, my envoy was updated to D7.0.107, and as expected, local access is no longer simple authentication.

I am, however able to query the old API endpoints by grabbing the bearer token from the entrez site…but I don’t know how long that token is valid for.

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