Yesterday afternoon, every single one of my Zigbee devices stopped working. There was an error message in HA that I unfortunately didn’t screenshot that said something about the Zigbee configuration having been changed or overwritten, possibly by another integration. It then presented me with an option to restore the Zigbee configuration, which I did, to no avail.
I then restore the entire system from Sunday’s backup. No change. Everything remains broken.
The only change that was made to HA was last week Thursday or Friday I removed 2 Sengled bulbs and added two Hue bulbs (directly to ZHA, no bridge).
I am using this coordinator: GoControl CECOMINOD016164 HUSBZB-1 USB Hub : Electronics
I’ve begun re-adding the devices one by one, which is going well, but I have over 70 devices, and they are under sinks and in all sorts of inconvenient locations.
Can anyone help me to understand what may have happened here? This is not the first time I’ve experienced difficulties with Zigbee and frankly, I’m getting rather fed up with it. Not sure what, if anything, there may be for reliable alternatives though…