Entities are unavailable, but work in HA

I have 2 dimmers in my living room, they work when i turn them on or off in HA, but when i try node-red, it says they are unavailable. (these are zwave btw) but OTHER zwave device work fine in node-red.
I tried restarting everything. but still these don’t work and they did a few days ago when i first set up the automation in NR

Any idea why 2 device who still work in HA would stop working via NR?

2024-03-30 21:26:16.835 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.service] Referenced entities light.mini_smartplug_dimmer, light.smart_plug_dimmer are missing or not currently available

edit: I only see that msg when i try to turn them on/off in NR, when i do it via HA, they turn on/off and no msg is given.

this appears to be because I chose “switch” turn on/off instead of “light” turn on/off
they are external dimmer switches plugged into dumb lamps.
so case closed.