Entities card icon size?

I’m trying to resize/compress the items in this card and need to find a way to reduce the “icon” size in my Entities card but I can’t find anything in the forum that points the way

See below - I’d like the Unifi icon to be smaller

Main card-mod thread - 1st post - link at the bottom - Entities.
Suggest to ask all card-mod related questions in that main thread instead of creating own ones.

As mentioned, I specifically searched that - the size for this element is not mentioned. Happy to repost in that thread

It is in various ways.
And no need to repost - I told you where to find.

I’m afraid your ambiguous directions are not assisting me. If someone could do so, it would be much appreciated.

You are too quick. Ok, will not interfere.

Let’s be clear here: I’ve looked at ALL of these links


If you’re not prepared to be helpful, just say so.

Yes, now I am not )
Guess I spent enough time with explaining where to find it (in TWO threads) and convincing about “info is there”.

When you could have spent much less time by simply linking to the info I politely asked for.

In case anyone wants to know and not look fruitlessly in some links, this “icon” was actually a state badge

To change the size, you can scale it:

type: entities
show_header_toggle: false
  style: |
    ha-card {
      font-size: 12px;
  - entity: update.main_ap_ac_lr
    name: Access Point - Hall
    secondary_info: none
          $: |
            :host {
              height: 30px;
              {% if not is_state('update.main_ap_ac_lr','off') %}
                color: orange
              {% endif %};
            state-badge {    
              transform: scale(0.8);
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