Is there a way to have a text header for “Entities” card that is clickable and can open a View?
header has only three types: picture, buttons and graph. I’ve tried to experiment with picture+url and it works, but I am not able to create an text image that will look good in light and dark mode.
My goal is to create a “master” view with a single card for every room. That card will hold light groups and temp/humidity/hvac info. After clicking on a header it will open room “details” view.
I also tried vertical stack and url with text “details…” as the last entities member. Both solutions looks worse than an image header.
Seems that you need to create a decluttering template which will be used for building a card for a particular room.
For a template, I would use a stack-in-card where the 1st card supports tap-action.
Markdown does not, Heading does.
So, use a Heading card without an icon and entities; by using card-mod you can make the Heading looking like a standard header of the Entities card.
From other side, a solution with “Details” button could be more intuitive for users.
Or try using the mentioned Heading with “>” button like in a History graph: pressing the button navigates you to a subview.