Entities details view in lovelace frontent


I successfully configured my yamaha reciever in the config yaml via this integration: Yamaha Network Receivers - Home Assistant

In the lovelace frontent I can only add a media player:

But I would rather have the detailed entity view with its propertis:

How can I add that to my frontent?

Just add an entity card and add the media player

forgot to mention: i tried that of course


If you click on that card you get what you showed in the screenshot

I know - but that was not the question
This also works via the 3 dots on the media_player card

It wouldn’t be exactly the same, but you could probably get what you need with this

It’s very configurable.

That is a nice one. Source works. sound mode how ever does not.

Sound mode is hidden by default. Set hide to false for sound mode and it should work.

type: custom:mini-media-player
entity: media_player.example
  sound_mode: false

ok this was hidden too far down. thanks :wink:

however - this question applies also to other entities: is there not a way to embed the “detailed view” of an entity into the dashboard directly? There will not always be custom cards doing it.

Maybe this is what you want?

looks useful - but for the mediaplayer it does not show very little info