Entities error message

I get the following message when I try to setup motion activated light.
Choose entity - no matching entities found.
Why are they not showing.

Check if you have any actual lights in your entities (light.entity_name), if your blueprint is only looking for that domain then that’s all the filter will show. If you are using switch entities then you need to change the blueprint to support switches instead.

I don’t have any lights in my entities. It shows my lights as switches in entities.
I am new to home assistant so its a learning curve at the minute for automating lights.
I need to learn to create my own automations using the trigger, conditions, actions its finding good tutorials to do this that I’m struggling to find.

Thank you for your help

If you don’t have any lights in your installation, that may be why it doesn’t work when you limit the selector to just lights.

You can use the helpers to convert some of your switches to lights, and then you will see them there.

OR you can remove the filter in the input that requires lights only and try some of the light switches.