Entities from xml with RESTful api

I have a one-wire temp-sensors to LAN interface which provides an xml document with all sensor ids and temperature values. This is an example result:

        Many more sensor tags

No I try to use the RESTful api.

This is my configuration so far:

  - method: GET
    scan_interval: 60
      - name: "FullMessage"
        value_template: "{{ value_json }}"
      - name: "Example"
        value_template: "{{ value_json.response.sensor.0.temp }}"
      - name: "How to do this"
        value_template: "{{ value_json.response.sensor.[? search for id 28FF6412E3124578369587].temp }}"

My problem is that there is no guarantee that the first id is always at the first position, so I have to search for the id and take the next temp value.

A look into the “FullMessage” entity shows the xml data converted to json:

    {'id': '28FF6412E3124578369587', 'temp': '12.34'},
    {'id': '28FF6412E3124578369588', 'temp': '13.48'},
    {'id': '28FF6412E3124578369589', 'temp': '55.1'}

I guess I could search with the json_attribute_path but I’m not sure if I can use the result as value.
I tried this filter:


Is there a way I can solve that problem?

Oh no, I tried so long and directly after posting the question I found the solution.
So in case anyone has the same problem, here is the solution:

  - method: GET
    scan_interval: 10
      - name: "Temp1"
        value_template: >
          {% set x = value_json.response.sensor | selectattr('id', 'eq', '28FF6412E3124578369588') | list %}
          {{ x[0].temp if x != [] else 'unknown' }}
      - name: "Temp2"
        value_template: >
          {% set x = value_json.response.sensor | selectattr('id', 'eq', '28FF6412E3124578369587') | list %}
          {{ x[0].temp if x != [] else 'unknown' }}
      - name: "Temp3"
        value_template: >
          {% set x = value_json.response.sensor | selectattr('id', 'eq', '28FF6412E3124578369589') | list %}
          {{ x[0].temp if x != [] else 'unknown' }}